Dean's Famous French Toast

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As he reaches her door an irrepressible smile breaks out across his face when he sees her cuddled up under all the blankets. Going over to the side of her bed he reaches his hand out to wake her but stops, taking in her beautiful sleeping face. She looks so peaceful and cute, should I wake her for breakfast or bring it to her in bed?

Stirring, she slowly opens her eyes and blinks a few times. "Is it time for breakfast?" She asks groggily.

"Yeah Beautiful. Did you want me to make it and bring it to you?"

Stretching slightly to wake up and she shakes her head. "Nah, I wanna watch you cook."

"Ok." He laughs. "Not like I'm a pro or anything."

She smirks at him. "Trust me watching a hot guy make you food is the dream of many women."

"Oh is that right?"

Getting out of bed, she smiles up at him. "Oh yeah, it is!"

All he can do is laugh at the thought and she just rolls her eyes at him. She quickly puts on a pair of shoes and they walk down the hall to the kitchen. Settling into a comfortable spot at the table, she makes sure she has a good view of Dean at the stove.

"So what are you cooking?"

"I'm going to make my famous french toast with bacon on the side."

"Ooh, famous, I feel special."

"You should." He turns and winks at her.

"Maybe next time I'll make you some pancakes."

He raises an eyebrow at her. "Next time, I like the sound of that."

She laughs. "Well we may need to see how this date goes first."

"I think you'll like what I have planned but..." He looks over to her with a pleading grin. "Maybe you could make a few pancakes now, just in case."

"Hmm, hedging your bets I see." She rises from the table and begins pulling ingredients from the cupboards.

"Or else, he just really wants pancakes." Sam jokes from the doorway.

"Well, they are pretty good, I use vanilla."

"That sounds really good." Sam says, as he goes over to fix himself a cup of coffee.

"Just say the word and you can be the proud, proud owner of your very own stack."

He looks to his brother. "There's no way you're making egg white omelets, is there?"

"Absolutely not." Dean shakes his head.

Sam puts on his best puppy dog face. "Could you make me one?"

"Nope, not happening. I'm not gonna do it and I know you aren't going to ask her. So either eat what we make or make your own breakfast."

Sam bows his head. "I'll take some pancakes please."

"Great choice, Sammy." Dean turns back to the stove to continue cooking.

Mae gives Sam a reassuring smile. "Since I'm making pancakes now, next time I'll do omelets."

"Again with that next time stuff, ehh Sweetheart."

Bringing her batter and a pan over to the stove, she leans into Dean's arm and looks up at him. "I figure even as friends we can still have breakfast."

She winks at him, as he gapes at her and Sam chuckles. "She's got you there Dean."

The next few minutes pass with light banter and much cooking of yummy food. Mae and Dean bring over stacks of pancakes and french toast to the table, and Dean goes back to retrieve the large plate of crispy bacon. Sam inhales the sweet aroma of his pancakes and heaves a deep sigh with a broad smile, then dives into his stack with fervor.

"What...? How?" Sam fumbles to find the right words with a mouth full of pancakes. "These are just..."

"I know, the vanilla makes all the difference."

"Dude." He says, looking intently at Dean. "Try them!"

Dean takes a forkful and shoves it in his mouth and moans. "Mmmm, this is awesome!"

"You guys are going to give me such a big head, my food isn't this..."

The boys cut her off with vigorous head shaking. "I've had my share of pancakes on the road and these are hands down the best."

"I agree with Dean. I may not eat like he does but I've had enough pancakes to know, he's right, best ones hands down."

Her face reddens and she lowers her head, shoving bacon in her mouth. The boys share a look and continue piling as much pancake in their mouths as they can. Finally looking back up, she realizes that they are too busy eating to fuss over her, so she takes this opportunity to pour syrup on her french toast.

Taking her first bite, her eyes light up. "Talk about awesome, Dean, this is delicious!"

"You really like it?" He asks with an astonished smile.

Nodding her head enthusiastically, as she shoves more in her mouth, mumbling. "Mmm, so good!"

"Ok, now I have to try these too." Sam forks a few pieces onto his plate and digs in. "She's right, they are so good. I'm going to have to add an extra mile to my run today."

"I get that you like to exercise but why would you run? I mean, you aren't running to somewhere or away from something...?" She stares at him questioningly.

"Exactly! See Sammy, she gets it."

"You guys are both going to die young from a coronary."

"We're hunters..." Dean gives Sam a discerning look. "Dying young is kinda in the job description."

"Not if I can help it." Sam retorts.

Mae stares at them during this exchange, then finally speaks up. "Wow, this conversation just took a turn."

The boys look at her and then each other. "Uh..."

"How about we not talk about dying during breakfast, or possibly at all, especially since I'd like to have a nice death free time on my date."

Sam blinks at her in surprise. "You're going on a date today?"

"Yeah." Dean grins at his brother. "She agreed to go out with me last night."

"Where, when?"

"The location is a surprise but I'd like to get going about an hour before lunch." Dean responds.

"Oh good, I have time to take a shower. But what I'd like to know is what should I wear?"

"What you normally wear is just fine." He beams at her.

"Jeans and a tee it is!"

She gets up and goes to the sink to wash up some of the mess from breakfast but Dean stops her. "Nah, Sammy's got this, since he didn't cook."

"Ok, I'll just go get ready for our date." She grins broadly at Dean.

Sam walks over with his own dish. "Do you need anything, soap, shampoo or a towel?"

"I have everything but a fresh towel would be great and maybe some help with the shower's older plumbing."

Dean wraps his arm around her waist and pulls her close to his side, as they begin to walk out of the kitchen. "That can be tricky, I'll help you get it ready but first a towel."

Smiling and nodding at his eagerness, she walks with him down the hall and past their rooms. She pauses just after her door and moves away from his side.

He turns to her, looking confused. "What's wrong?"

"Nothing, I just need to get my things."

"Oh ok, I'll wait." He leans against the wall, folding his arms across his chest.

"No, you go get the towel and I'll meet you in the bathroom."

"Ok." He agrees but walks off feeling a little disappointed.

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