No One

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Sam and Dean round the corner of the building, just in time to see Mae plunge the knife into the back of the imposter, as he stands up. She pulls the knife out of his heart and he falls to the pavement dead. The three of them stand there for a few moments staring at the body that still looks like Dean.

"Even after all these years, I don't think I'll ever get over seeing myself dead." Dean remarks.

Sam looks over to Mae who hasn't taken her eyes off of the duplicate this entire time. "Yeah, I mean how many shifters have turned into you now?"

"I've lost count." Dean shrugs.

"This happens a lot?" Mae asks, her voice trembling a bit.

Dean goes over and wraps her in a tight hug. "Yeah, it does." He leans his head on top of hers and whispers. "I'm still here, he wasn't me."

"Mhm." She mumbles back, a few tears slipping down her cheeks.

"It's ok, I'm right here." He reassures her, as he slips his arm over her shoulder and starts walking her away from the alley.

Rubbing her shoulder in an effort to comfort her, Dean turns his head back to look at Sam, who is getting Dean's belongings off of the shifter, when something catches his eye. Suddenly as if out of nowhere, a man in a dark suit appears, Dean spins around and puts Mae behind him protectively, and Sam stands from the body, sizing up the stranger.

"Winchesters." The man fumes out, his eyes flick black and then back to normal. "Why do you always have to spoil a good party?"

"What can I say, we like our parties with a little less death." Dean glibs.

"That's the problem with you hunters, always trying to save people." He glares at the brothers, then notices they aren't alone. "Just like this sweet little thing."

The rage emanating from Dean due to that comment is palpable. "Leave her out of this!"

"And who might you be, that's so protected by a Winchester?" The demon asks, intrigue glistening in his eyes.

"N-n-no one." Mae stammers out, looking scared. "Jus-just wrong place, wrong time."

Sam and Dean glance at each other for a moment, then Sam steps forward. "How about you tell us why a demon is working with a shifter?"

"Yeah, that's an odd pairing." Dean interjects.

"Simple, he does all the dirty work and I collect on my contracts a little early." The demon replies with a smug look on his face.

"But killing someone before they get their ten years, is against Crowley's rules." Sam states.

Dean folds his arms. "If we don't kill you, I'd hate to think what you are going to face in hell."

Having enough of their talk, the brothers both sail through the air and are pinned against a nearby brick wall, the demon holds them there, strangling them with his powers. Mae gasps, the demon's black eyes dart back over to her and a devious smile lights up his face.

"Now that those pests are out of the way, how about we get to know each other a little more." He says, drawing nearer to her.

She stares at him with her mouth open. "Huh?"

"Get away from her." Dean growls.

Rolling his eyes, the demon shifts his attention over to Dean. "Aww, the little gnat is feeling feisty." He sneers as he edges closer to Mae. "I think I'll have a lot of fun with this one, while you watch."

"She's not..." Sam begins but the demon tightens his stranglehold on them, causing the boys to struggle to even breathe.

"No!" Mae calls out, her voice ringing off of the alley walls. "Stop hurting them."

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