What is She Doing to Me?

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The credits start rolling on the last episode and Dean checks his watch. Wow, it's late. He thinks. Looking over he sees Mae curled up with a pillow asleep. Taking in her sleeping frame, he can't help but wish it was him instead of the pillow that she had her arms wrapped around. There's something about this girl, I haven't stopped thinking about her since the night we met. Seeing her today when I opened that door was a shock, I didn't think I'd ever see her again. It was so hard to focus on research, all I wanted to do the entire time was to talk to her, touch her, and well... take her to my room for some fun. Why do I want her so bad?

Sam clears his throat breaking Dean out of his thoughts. "Looks like she's out."

"Yeah, I guess she's staying the night."

Sam stands from his chair. "I'll take her to one of the guest rooms."

"No, I got her and those rooms are too dirty, I'll take her to my room."

"Really Dean, your room?" Sam folds his arms across his chest and smirks.

"What?" Dean protests. "I'll sleep on the couch."

"That's not what your face was just saying."

Dean shoots him a scowl. "Shut up."

He scoops her up in his arms and looks down with a tender gleam in his eye and a soft smile on his face. Walking past Sam, he heads to the hall that leads to his room. She snuggles her head closer into his shoulder, having her so close felt right to him, in ways he couldn't even describe.

Upon entering his room a sudden thought crosses his mind, I've actually got her in my room, she's going to be in my bed all night long. Been fantasizing about this since the night we almost kissed. He lays her down on the bed and brushes some hair out of her face, his fingers gliding through it. Bending over her he gives her a lingering kiss on her forehead, as he stands he sighs and thinks. Damn, I wish she were awake... He pulls his sheet over her and looks down at her with her hair all splayed out. Who is she and what is she doing to me? Why can't I get her outta my head?

Dean turns around at the sound of Sam approaching the door. "So, are you going to go to the couch anytime soon? Or are you just going to stare at her all 'stalker like' while she sleeps?"

"Shut up."

Sam grins at Dean's retreating back as he walks out of his bedroom. "That seems to be the witty comeback of the night."

Sam follows Dean down the hall but instead of entering the den like Sam thought, he heads towards the main room in the bunker. Picking up his pace to catch up, Sam chuckles as he enters the war room and sees Dean leaning over a table bracing himself with his palms spread wide, taking in slow deep breaths.

Sam gives his brother a questioning look. "What's up with you?"

"Her hair felt like silk, Sammy, like silk."

"Were you playing with her hair? Dude, that's kinda creepy."

"What? No! I brushed her hair out of her face after I laid her down. I couldn't help myself, I reached out and... what is she doing to me? I mean I even tucked her in and kissed her forehead."

Sam stares at him in complete stunned silence. "I've never acted like this with any girl and it's... it's all so sudden, like bam, and I'm under her spell or something."

"You're kinda freaking me out right now."

"I am freaking out, Sam!" Dean says running a hand through his hair. "I haven't been able to get her out of my mind and when I held her, I didn't want to let her go. I don't know where all of this is coming from. You know I bet it is a spell!"

"Maybe you just like her." Sam offers. "I mean she is really pretty and nice."

"It's more than that. She makes me feel, well, many things really, but mainly she makes me feel alive."

Sam's brows furrow. "What do you mean?"

"That night and today, being around her, it's like my whole being is on fire, like electricity running through my veins. I want to be with her, protect her, make her laugh... I wanna be everything for her."

"Wow Dean, that was a real touching moment you had there." Sam smirks. "But why do you think that you are under a spell?"

"Maybe she's part witch, siren, succubus, or something."

"Well have you found any hex bags, coins, or anything witchy?" Sam asks.

"No, and thankfully we haven't swapped any bodily fluids so ..."

"That means sirens are out and we did the silver cup test so not a succubus."

Dean lets out a heavy sigh. "I'm out of ideas for right now but all I know is I feel drawn to her and I don't know why."

"We can come up with more theories and test them in the morning, just in case she is dangerous, let's sleep in shifts."

Nodding Dean looks to his brother. "I'll take the first shift. My brain is going a mile a minute, I can't sleep right now anyhow." Sam agrees and the brothers head off to the den.

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