I Can Manage

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The next two bars they go to reveal no new information for their case, but they trudge on to the last bar on the list. Mae sighs loudly, not only frustrated by the lack of progress for the case but also she can't wait to sit down, eat some food, and possibly take her heels off at the bar.

Dean gives her a questioning look. "You ok, Beautiful?"

"Yeah, it's partly that we've learned so little but mainly it's these damn shoes."

"The offer still stands, I could carry you."

She laughs slightly. "With each step that is becoming more and more enticing but it's not professional. We can't blow our cover."


Looking up at him imploringly, she leans in. "But maybe no one will notice, if you only do it from the car to the motel?"

"No." He chuckles. "I doubt anyone would notice."

Reaching out to touch her yet again, he has to stop himself, the urge to touch her is growing and he's not sure how much longer he can fight it. Luckily for Dean, the final bar is mere feet from them and this allows him to focus on something other than holding her as close to him as he possibly can.

Following her in, they scope out the room. There are quite a few patrons milling about throughout but no sign of Sam. Dean points out an empty table and they quickly snatch it up and settle into the wooden chairs.

"So, interviews first or food?" She asks.
"Food, I'm starving."

"Should we order food now or wait for Sam?"

Dean takes his phone out of his pocket and checks it. "He texted a few minutes ago saying he was at the last house and he'll probably be done in about half an hour."

"I don't know if I can wait that long."

"Me either. He can order when he gets here."

She chuckles at the face he makes while talking about Sam and he flags down a server. They order quite a bit of food, causing the server to shake her head in disbelief as she walks away from the table. After chatting for a few minutes, Dean sighs and rubs his face.

"We really should interview some people, while we wait for the food."

She nods her head in agreement. "Yeah, we need information. But I don't think I can stand right now."
"Right, your poor feet." He glances down at them. "Well, I'll go to the bar and talk to those there and I'll send some over to you."

"That sounds wonderful."

"It'll also speed up the process."

She looks at him with a knowing stare. "I said that back at the hotel, but you didn't want to separate."

"Hey, that's completely different. You going off by yourself versus splitting up interviewing people in the same room." He purses his lips. "I don't like the idea of not having you with me."

"Yeah, just pointing it out."

Throwing her one of his signature smirks, he saunters off to the bar to start the interviews. He sends people over to Mae and between the two of them they talk to everyone in the bar within about twenty minutes. As the last person leaves the table, she looks over to see Dean still at the bar talking to the bartender, who is obviously flirting with him, leaning over the bar with her rather large chest on display. Ugh, what is with all these chicks hitting on him today? At least, she doesn't have a chance and he's only talking to her professionally. Just then she sees him take a long pull from a beer bottle, she sighs and hangs her head.

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