A Dean Special with More Cheese

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Sitting across from the boys at their motel table, Mae is trying to analyze the samples she took at the morgue; however she feels their eyes almost boring holes into her, waves of concern emanating from them.

Not able to ignore their stares any longer, she smiles up at them. "Is there something wrong?"

"Are you feeling ok now?" Dean asks.

She tilts her head to the side. "What do you mean?"

"Before, when we were walking to the car, you seemed off." Sam points out.

"Oh, I guess the cold just got to me, but I'm not cold anymore and feeling just fine." She smiles brightly, hoping they will drop the subject because how is she going to explain that Dean makes her mind go fuzzy.

"Good." Dean breathes out a sigh of relief. "So can you actually get answers from those?"

"Yes." She laughs as she raises an eyebrow. "Why would I even take the samples if I wasn't going to use them?"

Sam shrugs. "To make your cover look good?"

"True, true. But lucky for you guys, I know how to analyze them." She pauses to look through her tiny bag of assorted items and pouts. "However I do need a few things to do so properly."

"If you make a list, I'll pick up what you need while I'm out getting food."

"Ok Sam, thanks!"

"Speaking of, what did you want to eat?"

Thinking for a few moments, she taps her pointer finger on her chin. "Bacon cheese burger and cheese fries."

Sam lets out a hearty laugh. "So a Dean special but with more cheese."

She stares at him a bit shocked but with an amused smile. "Huh?"

"That's Dean's go-to order." Sam enlightens her, still chuckling.

Dean looks over at Sam. "That actually sounds great, I'll do the same."

"Got it, two orders of death on a plate with a side of cheese." Sam says, shaking his head.

"Ok, Salad boy." Dean shoots back.

"It wouldn't kill you to eat a little healthier"

Dean rolls his eyes. "Says you, Sammy."

"If you guys are done arguing like a little old married couple, I made out a list of what I need to finish these tests." She says holding out a piece of paper. "Plus I'm getting kind of hungry."

"Ok, got it." Sam replies, taking the paper from her and grabbing the keys.

As he goes out the door, Mae tries to focus on the sample swabs in front of her instead of the fact that she is now alone with Dean. Feeling butterflies starting to swarm in her stomach, her fingers fiddle with the specimen she is holding. Once again she feels eyes on her, but this time it's not concern she senses. Biting her lower lip, she tries to keep her attention on the task at hand. Don't look up, don't look up, don't look up. But she glances up anyhow and her breath gets stuck in her throat, as she gets lost in his deep green orbs. Rats, so much for self control.

Smiling broadly at her, he asks. "So, will all this science stuff help narrow down if it's a demon or a shifter?"

"It should but in case things come up inconclusive, I think we should request some of the street footage from the police. If we see a glitch on the eyes we will know it's a shifter and if we catch any black eyes, then demon."

"Not a bad idea but we don't need to request it, Sam and I know how to pull it up on our lap tops."

"Oh, well that is helpful." Pausing for a few seconds her brows furrow. "Is that legal?"

"Not particularly but a lot of what we do is so unusual there are no laws for it."

Nodding she sets down the vial in her hand. "True, I guess hunters need to work under the radar, so to speak." She looks down and sighs. "I get that."

"Because you have to keep moving and stay off the grid?"

"Yeah, I kinda have my own rules to live by too." She chuckles.

He pauses, just staring at her, she flushes slightly and goes back to setting up her tests. Running a hand through his hair, he can't help wondering about her life. Struggling with the decision of whether or not he should ask her, he goes back and forth on this for a few minutes.

Settling on yes, he asks. "What has you on the run?"

Her head shoots up at this question and her eyes go wide. She takes a deep breath and sighs again, as she sets down the vials once more. "There are many that would like to see me either enslaved or dead."

"What? Why?"'

Her gaze quickly returns to the test tubes in front of her. "The less you know the better."

"But why?"

"Telling you would be too dangerous."

"Danger is kinda my job." He searches her features for some sort of answer.

"Even being here isn't safe." The wheels in her mind start turning. "What am I thinking, why am I even here? I'm putting you guys in danger."

He grabs her hand, which causes her to look back up at him. "It's ok, we'll keep you safe, like you said last night you have the Winchesters on your side."

His touch seems to calm her down and breaks her out of the spiral that took over her thoughts. She takes a few calming breaths and relaxes back into her seat. Seeing her reaction, he flashes her a heart stopping grin, as he rubs the back of her hand with his thumb.

"I'm more concerned for you and Sam." She whispers out.

Dean opens his mouth to say something but right then Sam walks through the door. "Ok, your two orders of clogged arteries are here and I got all the things on the list." Sam looks between the two sitting at the table and notices that they are holding hands. "Am I interrupting something?"

"No." They both say in unison as they pull their hands away.

"Ok..." He responds, looking off to the side. "Let's eat before it gets cold."

Dean goes over, grabs the food from Sam and starts unpacking it, while Sam hands Mae the other bag. She sorts through its contents and begins setting up the rest of her sample tests.

Looking up from the food spread out in front of him, Dean notices that she is still working with the vials. "Aren't you going to eat?"

"In a moment, I want to set up these last few. Some will take a few hours."

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