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'an airborne knife isn't gonna spook me'

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"There is no force
equal to a
determined to rise"
-w.e.b dubois

RAFAEL LOOK AT KATELYN AND LANDON who shrug in response. He looks so confused about what was happening that it was quite sad. "Katelyn, Rafael, why don't you go ahead with the girls while I talk with Landon?" Alaric asked.

The twins link arms with Rafael and the brunette was about to link arms with Katelyn when she cut in. "Sorry, uh, Alaric or whatever, I don't mean to be rude but I don't feel comfortable leaving Landon alone, sorry buddy."

Landon sniffed, flicking Katelyn in the side of the head. "Don't. Start!" Rafael snaps at them, seeing the glare Katelyn gives Landon. The two stare each other down for a second but listen to their foster brother.

"Well, I need to--"

"She can come to." Hope cuts off Alaric who gives her a look. "Just let her come, Dr. Saltzman." 

"Fine." He grumbles. 

Katelyn tapped her fingers on her thigh as she watched Rafael begin to walk away with the girls. The two turn back and look at Hope to greet her. "Morning, Hope." They pipe up sarcastically. 

Hope rolled her eyes. "Morning, girls." She says in a fake kind-filled voice. 

Lizzie leaned over towards her sister. "More like despair.

"I heard that." Hope said. 

"No, you didn't." 

"Didn't have to."

Alaric groans in exasperation. "Everyone, behave." 

The twins both look at their father with smiles. "Love you, dad." 

Katelyn watched as they walked away until turning her gaze back to Hope and Alaric, rocking back and forth on the balls of her feet. She didn't know what to do now and she didn't like the fact that she couldn't be with both of her foster brothers. 

"So... Let's get started!" Alaric says suddenly, making her jump. Landon takes her hand as they follow the two into the school. He starts asking Landon questions about his time in Mystic Falls that Katelyn heard about. As they enter the office that they were walking to in the first place, they both look around. 

"What is there to know, exactly?" Landon asked Alaric and Hope. 

"Well, I used to have a speech prepared, carefully unpeeling the layers of mystical history, but it turns out most people have read Harry Potter and are actually cool with me skipping the tee-up." Alaric explained with a shrug of his shoulders. 

𝙏𝙝𝙚 𝙇𝙤𝙨𝙩 𝙃𝙚𝙞𝙧 - Lizzie SaltzmanWhere stories live. Discover now