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of volunteering tribute

KATELYN TURNED AWAY FROM HER BROTHER AND WALKED back the way she and Hope came from

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KATELYN TURNED AWAY FROM HER BROTHER AND WALKED back the way she and Hope came from. Anger shot through her like adrenaline. Hope followed after her. 

"Katelyn." Hope said as she grabbed her arm. 

The blonde shoved it off and shook her head, backing away from Hope. "No. No, I can't do this." She said, walking out of the lounge towards the kitchen. 

Hope sighed as she watched her sister walk away. Lizzie and Josie had watched the exchange and were frowning at what happened. They both turned when they heard footsteps and saw Landon Kirby. 

"Hope..." He said and she spun around, glaring at him. 

"Don't talk to me." She said, walking past him and shoving him with her shoulder harshly. He staggered backward as he watched her leave.  

He shook his head and went up the steps, going back the way he came. 





"Given our recent influx of monsters, the Sheriff and I have decided we need to take drastic action. Please give him your full attention." Alaric said as he stood at the front of the assembly hall with Matt Donovan right next to him. 

The Sheriff stepped up while Alaric moved back. "Like Dr. Saltzman was saying, local girls Dana Lilien and Sasha Stoteraux didn't come home last night. Dana sometimes skips town for a few days to party, but this is a first for Sasha." He said as a picture of the two girls was being passed down to all the students. 

"Thank you, Sheriff Donovan. Now while the knife is away with Dorian and things are quiet on his end, it won't hurt to assume the worst. If Dana and Sasha..." 

"Dude, if you don't stop mugging me. You heard Ol' blue eyes. Dana has a history of running away." Kaleb told MG quietly and Katelyn couldn't help but listen in.

"I saw you feed on her." MG said. 

"Yeah, feed. Not kidnap. MG, I'm telling you- vampire to vampire this ain't on me." Kaleb said and MG sighed. 

Katelyn looked back at Alaric. "Now, I'll need a few of you to volunteer to go to Mystic Falls High under the guise of an exchange program meant to improve relations between our schools, which, unfortunately, is necessary, given recent events." He looked at Katelyn then his eyes strayed between each member of the football team. "Now, I give you permission to compel them, to gather materials for locator spells, because any information we can get will make all the difference." 

Lizzie stood up and fixed her coat. "Well, I guess that I can set aside my differences with Dana for a day." She said as she stood in front of the hall of students, her back facing Donovan and Alaric. "Because that is what heroes do." She turns around to face her father. "So... I volunteer as tribute."

Hope leans over to her sister who is sitting beside her. "She battles one gargoyle, and suddenly, she's Mother Teresa." Katelyn scoffed out a laugh.  

Kaleb stood up next. "I'm in." 

MG stood up right after him. "I'm in, too." 

"I'd like to help." Hope said as she stood up. 

Alaric looked at Katelyn and she huffed slightly before standing up. "How about five?" Alaric smiled. 





The sound of sticks hitting together ricochet off the walls as Katelyn and Hope practice eskrima. Alaric circled them, watching the two. 

"Who are you and what have you done with Katelyn and Hope Mikaelson?" He asked them. 

"I never got to go to a real school." Hope said before trying to strike Katelyn. The blonde slid on the ground and went for Hope's feet which she jumped over. "I've always wanted to know what it's like to be normal for a day instead of being a tribrid loner." 

Katelyn and Hope continued to hit the sticks against each other in a rhythm. "Yeah, well, that's a bed you made for yourself." 

"Not looking for a social lecture. Besides I have Katelyn now." Hope said with a grunt. 

"That's because you're sisters." Alaric chuckled.

Hope did a spinning kick but Katelyn blocked it. "So, what's your plan with Landon? Does he, like, go here now?" Hope asked her headmaster as Katelyn's strikes got a little harder. 

"Why? You both still thinking about murdering him?" He countered. 

Hope and Katelyn stopped at once, turning their head and staring at him with narrowed eyes. He continued on anyway, ignoring the looks. 

"'Cause there's a knife that sat dormant for centuries that started attracting mythical creatures the day he took possession of it." He told them and the two started up again. Katelyn and Hope did a non-handed cartwheel in the opposite direction of each other and their sticks clashed together once they were standing back up. "I'd say there's a lot we need to learn about him." 

Hope gets Katelyn into the position where she's leaning back with one stick against her neck and the other keeping one of Katelyn's sticks on her shoulder. 

"And then what? We kick him to the curb?" Katelyn asked as Hope let her go. 

The two proceed to breathe heavily as Alaric stops walking around them. "Then we decide to do what's best for the people of this school." 

"Any idea what to do with him while we search for missing mean girls?" Hope questioned, annoyed. 

"As a matter of fact, yes." Alaric said making Katelyn and Hope look at each other. 





Katelyn and Hope stood outside of the Salvatore van with MG, Kaleb, and Lizzie waiting for Alaric to show up with a sixth member. 

Suddenly, Katelyn's eyes widened. "Shit!" The group all looked at her, surprised by her sudden outburst. "It's Landon!" 

Alaric and Landon walked over to them a second later and Hope groaned. "Perfect." She muttered. 

"Alright, kids. Landon is going to be joining you today." Alaric said, resting a hand on the Hybrids shoulder. "Now, let's go." They all got on except for Katelyn. "Hey, Katelyn, come here for a minute." 

She frowned and walked over to the headmaster, stuffing her hands in the pockets of her jeans. "What's up, Ric?" She asked.

"I want you to be careful, okay? Don't draw too much attention to yourself." He said as he stared into her eyes. "Can you do that?" 

"Yeah." Katelyn chuckled as she gave him a weird look. "Everything okay?" 

He nodded. "Yes, of course. I just want you all to be safe." 

"Okay..." Katelyn said before turning around and getting on the bus. She stopped at the top stair and turned her head back toward him, watching him walk away. She shook her head and went over and sat down in the empty seat across from Hope. 

"What did Dr. Saltzman want?" She asked. 

"He told me to be careful." Katelyn replied. 

AN: I wonder why Alaric acted so weird :[ Don't forget to vote and comment!

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