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betrayal is an awful thing

"Katelyn and Iwould be goingdowntogetheror not atall"- hope mikaelson

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"Katelyn and I
would be going
or not at
- hope mikaelson

HOPE FEELS EMOTIONS CRASH OVER HER and she crumbles to her knees, breathing erratic. Even with her ring, she could not feel her older sister. 

Katelyn was gone. Where was she?

"She's gone to the Time Frame world hasn't she?" Andrea asked, her voice soft and quiet. Everyone turned to look at her confused. Andrea turned her head to look at her older brother. "Hasn't she?" She repeated, her voice the same as before. 

"Yes," he replied and Andrea bolted into the forest. 

"Andrea!" Nik yelled, running after his twin. Griffin quickly followed with Hope close behind. This was not the time for either of them to run off by themselves. 

"Guys!" Hope called, running through the woods, following her niece and nephew's scents. Hope and Griffin found them by the dock. Andrea was sitting on the edge, crying, while Nik stood off to the side, staring out at the water. 

"We just got her back and now she's gone again," Andrea cried, pulling her legs closer to her chest. "I just want my Mom!" 

Hope felt tears well up in her eyes, remembering how she told Elijah that. She slowly walked over to her niece and scooped her up in a hug. "I know, sweetheart. I know. We'll get her back, I promise." 

And she meant it.

She had just gotten her older sister back, there is no way she will let her slip through her fingers once again. 

Andrea fisted her shirt in her hands, burying her face in Hope's chest. Hope sat down on the edge of the dock, holding the girl as she stared out at the lake. 

Hope ran her hand up and down Andrea's back as the girl slowly fell asleep. Nik and Griffin had sat down next to her a little bit ago. 

They watched the water ripple in silence, thinking about who they had just lost.





"We're not just going to leave her in there!" Katie shouts at Alaric. 

"It's either her or we risk everyone. Her mental health state won't be the best. She could try to kill everyone!" Alaric argued. Then he realized his slip-up. Hope launched herself at him, punching him in the face and kicking him in the stomach. 

"Hope!" Lizzie and Josie yelped, shocked. 

"How would you know that, Alaric?!" Hope demanded, her eyes a bright gold. "Huh?! YOU WOULDN'T UNLESS YOU STOLE HER RING!" 

𝙏𝙝𝙚 𝙇𝙤𝙨𝙩 𝙃𝙚𝙞𝙧 - Lizzie SaltzmanWhere stories live. Discover now