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of lies and death spells

CHAPTER EIGHTof lies and death spells

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"Underestimate me.
That'll be
- anonymous

"I'M SORRY. I PANICKED." LANDON APOLOGIZED as he took out the knife. Katelyn took it from him right as he was about to give it to Hope. He flinched back after seeing the harsh glare Hope threw him. 

Rafael looked at his brother. "What the hell, Lan?" 

Alaric grunted. "Hope, the doors." 

"Got it--" 

Katelyn stepped in front of her, having enough of this. She raised her hand in front of her, above her head, pointing to the doors that had caught fire. "Adiuuatur!" She closed her hand into a fist and the fire extinguished. 

Hope and Rafael stare at Katelyn in shock. "That's a quick fix. It won't last long." 

"Great. Katelyn, cell phone." Alaric said. She pulled out her phone and tossed it to him. He dialed a number and put the phone up to his ear. 

Katelyn turns towards Hope who looks hurt. "We'll talk about it later, I promise. Right now, we need to all make it out alive." She told her quietly before her eyes caught on a barrel. She frowned and walked over. Her eyes widened when she saw all the crap that was resting on top of it. Rafael and Hope came over as they scrimmage through it. 

"What is all this?" Rafael asked no one in particular. "It's from the people on the bus." The werewolf shows them the I.D. of a guy named Robert. All three of them look at Landon. 

"I didn't bring it here, I--" 

"If he says 'I swear' one more time, I'm gonna melt him." Hope interrupted as she looked at Rafael. Landon huffed and looked away. 

"Are you not going to even try and defend him?" Rafael asked Katelyn, his eyes glinting yellow in anger. Katelyn made her eyes turn gold. 

"Landon lied. I knew that he didn't steal the knife consciously but he could have told us he still had it with him. I love Landon, I do, but my whole life is supernatural. If people find out about us. Me? I'm as good as dead. I'll be hunted for centuries to come while everyone else will be dead or in hiding. Is that what you want Rafael?! Is that what you want the world to come to?!" She shouted at him. 

Hope grabbed Katelyn's arm and shook her a bit. "It's okay. We're all stressed out, alright? We need to work together now." Hope said, more calmly than she was a minute ago. 

Katelyn inhaled deeply before blinking, her eyes turning back to normal. 

The phone picked up and Alaric put it on speaker. "Please tell me you have something." 

𝙏𝙝𝙚 𝙇𝙤𝙨𝙩 𝙃𝙚𝙞𝙧 - Lizzie SaltzmanWhere stories live. Discover now