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honor council & malivore

PENELOPE BLEW A RED CARD INTO THE BOX that determined who got picked as an honor council member for each faction

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PENELOPE BLEW A RED CARD INTO THE BOX that determined who got picked as an honor council member for each faction. She looked directly at Josie before taking her seat. 

Katelyn and Landon sat next to each other on the werewolf side in the front. The blonde avoided eye contact with Josie and Lizzie. 

"All right. Voting is now closed." Emma said loud enough to be heard over the chatter of the students. Everyone applauded and whooped. "Let's get started." 

Katelyn leaned back in her seat, rubbing her chin as the first piece of paper flew out of the box. Emma caught it and opened it up. 

"The werewolf representative will be... Katelyn." 

The wolves all stood up and applauded and barked, patting her on the back. 

"So much for not wanting to join the pack." Josie said to her sister, remembering what Katelyn told them. 

"I've always wanted to be part of a power couple." Lizzie said back. 

Katelyn did a handshake with Landon and smiled at the wolves, high-fiving some of them. 

"All right, settle down." Emma said. "Thank you... Next up." Another piece of paper flew out and into Emma's hand. "The vampire representative will be..." MG stood up, buttoning his coat with a smile. "Kaleb." 

Vampires cheered and whooped while the smile was wiped from MG's face. Katelyn sat up as her eyes met MG's. 

"All right, guys." Emma said. "Settle down!" 

The vampires didn't listen. "HEY! SHE SAID SETTLE DOWN!" Katelyn yelled and the vampires went silent, sitting back down. 

Emma looked at her. "Thank you." The blonde nodded. "And the witch representative will be..." Emma looked at the card that had flown out. "Josie." 

Gasps and murmurs went over the crowd and Lizzie and Josie looked at each other. The brunette looked at Penelope who did a finger gun and winked. 

"Thank you all for voting." Emma said. "And congratulations to our newly elected representatives." 

Everyone filed out. Hope met Katelyn's eyes from where she was standing on the top of the steps. 





"I'm going to tear Jed apart." Rafael said as he looked at what he did to Landon. The boy was healing but it was going slower. 

"No, you're really not." Hope said. 

𝙏𝙝𝙚 𝙇𝙤𝙨𝙩 𝙃𝙚𝙞𝙧 - Lizzie SaltzmanWhere stories live. Discover now