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"CAN YOU JUST KILL ME?" LOGAN asked Katelyn. "I can't do it myself."

"That means I take pity on you," Katelyn deadpans, leaning against the cold wall of the basement. He's been asking her to kill him for the last hour and a half. Vera has been reading her book silently, making snide comments here and there when Logan gets too annoying. 

"Yes, but... you won't have to deal with me anymore," he says, wrapping his hands around the bars. He hissed in pain and backed away as his hands burned. Katelyn had doused the bars in vervain when he was sleeping. "Isn't that what you want?" 

"No. I'd rather make you suffer," she grins, looking at the man. Her eyes are sparkling with amusement, smugness. It makes Logan snarl in annoyance. She's having too much fun with him. She walks away, whistling a tune that makes the man shiver and hide in the corner of the cell. 

She walks up the stairs and then makes her way towards her room. She opens the door and sees Hope lying in Katelyn's bed, looking at her sketchbook. Katelyn smiles and walks over, kicking the door closed behind her. She sits down next to Hope and runs her fingers through the girl's hair. 

Hope leans into her palm, sighing. "You're really good," Hope said.

"Thanks, sweetheart," Katelyn said. Hope flipped the page, revealing a drawing of two kids. The boy has glowing eyes and the girl is standing in front of him protectively, her hand alight in a flame. Katelyn's breath hitches at the drawing, remembering the dream she had a couple of nights ago. 

"Who are these kids, Kate? You've drawn them four other times already," Hope asked, sitting up and looking at her sister expectantly. 

Katelyn ran her fingers over the children's faces, sighing. "If I'm going to tell you then... you're gonna have to do something. Something that promises secrecy." She stands up and walks over to her desk, taking a key out of her pen holder. She unlocks the drawer, pulling it open, revealing a violet inside that was extremely soft. A total of ten pack rings rest inside. She picks one and closes it back up, locking it, and storing the key away. She turns back towards Hope and walks over.

Hope looks at the ring, taking it when Katelyn extends it to her. "I've seen Jed wearing this," Hope said, running the pad of her thumb over the face. "What's the purpose?" 

Katelyn shows Hope her ring that looks the same except it's gold and has red eyes. "It's a show that you are apart of my pack," she explains. Hope looks at her in confusion. She exhales deeply. "Jed was dying. This ring saved him. Now he's apart of my pack," she says slowly. Hope's eyes widen. "Relax," Katelyn soothes, chuckling. "He's perfectly fine. Now, the only way I can tell you all of my secrets... is if you are wearing this ring. If you are wearing this ring and are apart of my pack... the witches can't get into your head." 

𝙏𝙝𝙚 𝙇𝙤𝙨𝙩 𝙃𝙚𝙞𝙧 - Lizzie SaltzmanWhere stories live. Discover now