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if you want peace, prepare for war

"War does notdetermine who isrightonly who isleft"- bertrand russell

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"War does not
determine who is
only who is
- bertrand russell

KATELYN MAKES HER WAY THROUGH THE hallways, trying to get to Alaric's office. The last two days, she has been able to stay away from all of the Mikaelsons, almost running into them a couple of times, and has been talking a lot with Griffin.

Lizzie and her are doing really well except her girlfriend is growing a little suspicious every time she leaves with Hope or she leaves when the Mikaelson's are close. 

But right now, she couldn't care less if she ran into her family. She had woken up this morning to find her ring gone. That wasn't good. Not at all. If she didn't have her ring, her mind turns her into the monster the witches created. 

A whole different person. 

That's why she rarely ever takes off her ring. It usually takes forty-eight hours to take effect so she just needs to get the ring back before then. 

"Babe!" A hand wrapped around her wrist and tugged her into the cafeteria in a vice grip. "I've called your name like five times, are you okay?" Lizzie asked, pecking her lips as she walked Katelyn over to the table where the Super Squad was at. 

"I, um, I'm fine," Katelyn cleared her throat and sat down next to her girlfriend. A loud clap of thunder sounded making Katelyn turn to look out the windows. The rain was pouring-- leaving no untouched surface dry. The clouds were a gloomy gray, dark and destructive. It wasn't good for Katelyn's mental state. 

"Ooh, who's this?" 

Katelyn turned her head, her eyes meeting the deep blue ones of a beautiful blonde woman-- Rebekah Mikaelson. 

No. No, she really couldn't do this right now. 

"This is my girlfriend. Katelyn. She's new here. She came with bird boy and Rafael," Lizzie introduced with a smile, trying to interlock her fingers with Katelyn's. 

The older girl pulled her hand away and rubbed her head, a dull ache beginning to form behind her eyes. "Katelyn are you okay?" She heard Josie ask. 

"Fine," she repeated. She rubbed her temples, trying to soothe the migraine that was slowly approaching. Flashes of her past came to her, playing like a movie behind her eyes. 

"Nobody's gonna come save you, we are all alone, so you either learn to hunt or you become the prey."

"Si vis pacem, para bellum.

Her eldest son. Her daughter. Her youngest son. Her kids. The witches. The alternate world. All three of her children being ripped away from her. The hundreds of people she's killed. Her vow to her friends-- her family. 

𝙏𝙝𝙚 𝙇𝙤𝙨𝙩 𝙃𝙚𝙞𝙧 - Lizzie SaltzmanWhere stories live. Discover now