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of glove compartments & spiders

CHAPTER SIXTEENof glove compartments & spiders

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THE FIVE CLEANED UP DANA'S BODY and guts. Now, they were just making sure that any evidence that she was there was gone. 

Kaleb walked up behind Hope and Lizzie and pointed to where Dana's guts were being washed off the street by Lizzie and a hose. "Nasty. Yeah, so, um, I'm out of here. But little piece of advice. Landon could be in there right now eating fools. So, I'll holla." 

He walked away while Katelyn stood up straight. Fear built up in her body, causing a shiver to run down her spine. She looked around, trying to find Landon. She was feeling his emotions. 

"Come on, guys. If it's not Landon, then what else could it be?" Hope asked. 

"Spider." MG replied as he looked at his comic page that he was using to clean off his shoe. "A big spider. An Arachne, if you want to get specific." 

He unfolded the crumpled page and showed them the comic. Lizzie and Hope got closer to see it while Katelyn continued to look around. 

Lizzie took it. "This is nerd porn, not real life." 

"So were dragons and gargoyles." MG said, making a point. "The writer bases her comics off of Greek lore. An Arachne was originally--"

"A beautiful woman who was cursed by a jealous god and turned into a giant spider." Katelyn interrupted. 

"Right. Uh, all it wants is to be human, so it wears the skin of its prey to pass. Oh, my God. Its-its fangs are huge, so they could pass for a vampire bite." MG said. "And its bite liquefied its victims!" 

"Plus, you found a web in Dana's hair." Katelyn said, looking over at him. He gave her a confused look. "I saw it before you wiped it off." She explained making him nod. 

"That would explain why it couldn't follow the knife out of town. An SUV-sized insect can't exactly hitchhike unless it inhabits the body of someone." Hope said.  

"Who? Sasha maybe?" MG asked. 

Katelyn looked at Landon. "My money is still on your boyfriend." Lizzie said to Hope making her scrunch her nose in disgust. 

"He isn't my boyfriend." She huffed. 

"If we had something from it we could do a tracking spell." Lizzie said, ignoring what Hope said. 

"Would its face work?" Landon asked as he finally arrived at the group, holding up a piece of skin. They all grimaced except for Katelyn. 

The group took off into the forest towards the Old Mill where the tracking spell was leading them. Katelyn's phone rang and she took it out of her pocket. 

It was Alaric. 

"No way I'm telling you dad what we're about to do." Katelyn said as she handed the phone to Lizzie. 

"I suck at lying." Lizzie said before handing the phone to Landon. "You're great at it." 

Landon gave it to Hope. "You're his favorite." 

Hope took it and gave it back to Lizzie. "You're the hero." 

Lizzie answered, putting it on speaker. "Hi, Daddy!" 

The group all slowed to a stop. "Hey, thought I'd call, check-in, see how things are going." 

"So good." Lizzie lied and Hope nodded. 

"Really? Define 'good,' Lizzie, because I don't think that involves me tracking down Dana's body to the glove compartment.

"Listen, Dad, it's fine. We cracked the case. It's a spider. But, like, a big, huge, nasty spider. And MG's comic books know how to kill it." Lizzie told her father. 

"Comic books? Really? Lizzie, listen to me, whatever you're thinking of doing, don't, okay? So just tell me where you are, and Matt and I will be right there. And where is Katelyn? I need to speak with her." He said. 

"I'm sorry, Dad. You're gonna have to trust me for once." 

"Wait! Katelyn! You need to get back to school and so does Landon! I lost the witch about fifteen minutes ago and I'm pretty sure she did a tracking spell on Hope and I don't think she's cloaked. And what's the one thing that is probably your weakness right now?

"Dammit." Katelyn said. 

"Oh, no, damn! There she is! Matt watch out for the fireballs!" Alaric called. 

Landon looked at Katelyn. "I can go help him." 

"Uh, no!" Katelyn snapped. "You nuts? You've been a wolf, what? A little less than a year? These witches have years of experience. You'll be dead before you even get a bite in." 

"Well, then, plan B?" He asked. 

"I don't know what she's here for. If she's here just for me then no, plan B won't work and everyone will end up dead. If she's here for me and... yeah, then we yes, plan B would be the right choice." Katelyn replied. 

"Well, give it to me. I'll take off and meet you back at school. That way you're scattered." He said holding out his hand. 

"Woah, wait!" Alaric said into the phone. "What are you two talking about? Katelyn...

Katelyn grabbed the phone and ended the call. "We're killing this spider." She said before running towards the Old Mill. Landon groaned and ran after her with the others following right behind. 

They all heard screaming. A familiar scream. 

"Josie!" Hope shouted. 

"HOPE!" Josie shouted back. Landon grabbed a wrench and ran inside. 

"Hey, douche bag!" He yelled. Katelyn and Hope ran in after him. "Oh." He walked out after seeing the giant spider. 

"I hate spiders." Hope said. 

Rafael said something to Josie and she said something before kissing him. Hope faltered for a second before looking back at the spider. 

"Uanascar." Josie cast making the webs disappear from their arms letting them both out. 

Hope held out her hand to Lizzie who walked in. "Lizzie, I need your help!" She stuck out her hand to Josie. "Josie. Take my hand. Lizzie siphon from Katelyn as well." 

Katelyn took Lizzie's other hand as Josie grabbed Hope's. 

"Repeat after me." Hope said. "Imperium fluctus malleus." 

"Imperium fluctus malleus. Imperium flcutus malleus. Imperium fluctus malleus." The four raised their hands up as they continued chanting. Katelyn was saying it under her breath but Lizzie was still able to catch it. The spider flew up into the railing above before exploding. 

The four were drenched in orange spider guts and bits of the Arachne. 

Landon, MG, and Rafael turned towards the entrance of the Old Mill to see Hope, Katelyn, and the twins walking out with orange goo all over them. They stopped in front of the boys and they all looked at them in concern. 

"I hate spiders." Hope said. 

AN: I actually have arachnophobia and this episode killed me! Anyway, don't forget to comment and vote! Do you guys actually read these?

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