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hunter... and his prey

"WHAT DO YOU MEAN YOU'RE GOING for a swim?" Hope snapped, grabbing his arm before he could walk into the water

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"WHAT DO YOU MEAN YOU'RE GOING for a swim?" Hope snapped, grabbing his arm before he could walk into the water. "We have no idea what's in there, Landon." 

"All the more reason to find out," he said with a grin. "I'll be fine." He walked into the water and looked around. Hope huffed slightly before starting to climb up a tree to get a better view. Katelyn squinted her eyes out at the water and crossed her arms. "I don't see anything. Like, at all." 

Katelyn frowned. 

"Neither do I!" Hope called from where she was sitting on a branch. "I do see the others though." 

Katelyn hummed in acknowledgment but kept her gaze fixated on the water. 

"Guys," Alaric snapped once he was close enough. "You can't just run off to go swim." 

"We didn't— never mind," Landon sighed. He went farther into the water and continued to look around. He held his nose. "It's stronger in the middle." 

"The deepest part of it," Hope said with a snort. "Awesome." 

"Landon, get out of the water," Katelyn said. He did as he was told and put his shirt back on. Katelyn closed her eyes for a second before opening them again. They were bright orange. Her eyes scanned the bay and she saw something lying in the middle of the lake, deep down. It was two metal boxes?

Katelyn blinked a couple of times. What could be down there? She thought to herself. Katelyn tied her hair up into a ponytail as she treaded into the water. "Woah, Katelyn, what are you doing?" Alaric asked. 

"Swimming, obviously," she replied. She swam over to where the boxers were. One thing she was thankful to the witches for, was her swimming skills and how athletic she is. "There's something down here," she said, trying not to breathe the horrid smell in. 

"Just wait," Alaric said. "The girls can use magic to get whatever is down there."

Katelyn shook her head, inhaled deeply, and went under. She grabbed onto one of the boxes to keep from floating back up. She ran her hand along one of the boxes until her fingers found an engravement. 



Katelyn's eyes widened. She looked over at the other one. 



Suddenly, she heard screaming. "NO! NO! NO! LEAVE ME ALONE! PLEASE!" Katelyn swam to the top. She spits out the little water that got in her mouth and tried to stop her fast-beating heart. "PLEASE! MAKE IT STOP!

"Katelyn!" Alaric called and Katelyn looks over at him. He looks expectant. "What's down there?" 

She swims over to the edge and pulls her hair out of the ponytail. She shakes it out as she asked: "Ever come across a hunter?" 

The woman's and Alaric's eyes widened. The woman appears in front of Katelyn. "A hunter? You mean—" 

"Yes," Katelyn cuts her off. "Someone decided to stash the hunter's body down there as well as the cursed one. Their obviously a vampire because they are freaking screaming." 

The woman nodded and looked over at Alaric who watched the two warily. He felt like those two would get along really well. 

"You're saying that there is a dead body down there... and a vampire?" Penelope asked, pointing to the middle of the lake. 

"That's exactly what I'm saying," Katelyn replied. She threw her hair up again and looked at the lake. "I don't know what to do because the cursed vampire is just gonna try and kill themselves and we don't have the time nor the dedication to look for a blasted hunter to break the curse." 

Caroline, the woman, gave Alaric a sad smile. He instantly shook his head. "No. No way. We aren't going to just kill an innocent vampire," he said. 

"Obviously, he's not innocent if he killed a hunter, Ric," Caroline shot back. Katelyn rolled her eyes and dove back into the water. She'll let the adults handle the arguing while she actually did something. 

She swam down towards the boxers and used her strength to dig underneath into the sand. She pulled the box with the hunter up first, walking along the bottom of the lake. She was running out of oxygen fast. She pulled it out of the water and dragged it onto the shore. 

"That's one way to do it," Emma said as she walked over with Dorian and the rest of them in tow.

Katelyn moved to go back into the lake but Lizzie grabbed her arm. She turned her head and raised an eyebrow at the blonde. "I'm sorry," Lizzie said. Katelyn knew what she was apologizing for. 

She was apologizing for not speaking to her after they had sex. She was apologizing for snapping at her. She was apologizing for not looking past her own problems to see Katelyn's. 

Katelyn leaned over and kissed her cheek, winking at her, before diving back into the water. She swam down to the last box and dug her fingers underneath. She scooped it up and pulled it out of the lake a lot quicker than the last one. She laid it down gently near the hunter one. 

They were working on getting the hunter's open when Hope just flicked her wrist, the chains dissolving. Everyone looked at her and she shrugged. Katelyn snorted and pulled it open, gagging at the horrible smell. 

"Oh, I'm gonna be sick," MG said, covering his mouth and walking in the opposite direction. 

"That's disgusting," Penelope and Rafael said, turning away as well. Josie and Lizzie grimaced and stepped away. Emma, Dorian, Hope, and Landon stepped back as well, letting Caroline, Alaric, and Katelyn look at it. 

The man was probably late twenties, early thirties. Katelyn could make out a necklace made of vampire's teeth around his neck— yikes. His throat was ripped out, clear that a vampire had done this. His body was waterlogged, black, blue, green. Kind of reminds her of Jason Blossom. 

She shook that thought away. Not the time to compare this to Riverdale

The man was lying on the hard metal of the box but things were stuffed in there with him. His knives, arrows, stakes, bows. Pretty much all of his weapons. But two things caught her eye. Something that was out of the blue. 

A lion blanket.

And a raccoon blanket.

AN: So the lion and raccoon blanket are on the picture at the top! Also, the next chapter may be a little weird and may be sad. Don't forget to comment and vote.

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