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of warnings & explanations

"The question isn'twho is going tolet me;it's who isgoing tostop me"- ayn rand

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"The question isn't
who is going to
let me;
it's who is
going to
stop me"
- ayn rand

KATELYN AND HOPE WALK TOWARDS THEIR DORM ROOM in silence. Landon and Rafael had run away, leaving Katelyn. So, she was going to make a new plan. She was going to stay with her sister and make sure the two of them don't end up dead. 

Hope watched as Josie walked ahead of them, not knowing they were there. The brunette opened the door to her dorm room and the two saw her holding up ice. "You mad at me?" She asked. 

Hope and Katelyn stopped behind her but far enough. "'Cause we lost the game? No. I'm mad at the world, and you just happen to be in it." Lizzie said as she puts down her compact mirror. 

Josie sighed and turned around to close the door when she saw the two. "Oh, my God. What happened?" She asked as she looks at the two of them. They frown and look down at themselves. Lizzie appears behind her sister, gasping when she sees the two of them.

Katelyn's clothes are burned in certain places and dirt coats their shoes, and the bottom of their jeans. Katelyn lifts her hand up to her nose when she feels a warm substance dripping from it.

The older blonde pulls her hand away, letting the other three see the blood and the black goo that was mixed together, running down towards her mouth.

You've betrayed us, a voice boomed through her head making Katelyn yell in pain, falling to her knees, her hands cupping her ears. 

"Katelyn!" Lizzie, Hope, and Josie shout in concern as they all kneel down in front of her and by her sides. 

You should have brought those boys to us! the voice says again and she feels tears pour from her closed eyes, a whimper leaving her lips. To show us that you are still loyal, bring those three girls to us. If you don't... we'll kill them along with your family. 

The voice stops but it leaves behind a pounding in her head. She doesn't even register Josie holding a tissue to her nose. Lizzie and Hope pull her up and bring her into the twins' room. They sat her down on the edge of Lizzie's bed. 

"Katelyn..." Hope said softly and she looked at her, pain evident in her eyes. "What was that?" 

"T- The witches." She whispered. "They're mad I didn't bring Rafael and Landon to them..." 

"Witches? What witches?" Josie asked as she came from the bathroom with a warm wet towel. She wiped Katelyn's nose and mouth before going to clean it off. 

"The witches that stole me away from my parents. My family." Katelyn replied before leaning forward, placing her forehead on Lizzie's shoulder. 

"The black stuff. The goo. Was that because of...?" Hope trailed off. 

"No no." Katelyn said, shaking her head. "Again, we have a lot to talk about." 

"How about you two go get cleaned up and then come back here and tell us what the hell happened on your trip with Daddy-dearest." Lizzie said, the last part bitterly.

"Dearest is one word for it." Hope muttered, helping her sister up. "We'll be back in thirty." The twins nod and Hope takes Katelyn back to their dorm. 

Josie looks at Lizzie and hands her the ice. "You're about to be mad at me." Josie said as she sat down across from Lizzie on her own bed. "I did a little spell at the game. I made Kaleb drop the ball. And I totally did black magic with Hope as Katelyn watched."

"Well, let's just call this what it is. You betrayed me." Lizzie said with hurt in her eyes. 

Josie rolled her eyes slightly before getting up and sitting down next to Lizzie. "I was worried about disappointing Dad. So I disappointed you instead."

"I'll forgive you." Lizzie said after a moment. "If you promise not to keep secrets about doing black magic with Hope, of all people. You're my sister, my best friend, and she spent the last ten years making us feel like we don't matter. And I don't like feeling that way. Not from Hope, and not from girls like Dana, not from Dad, and not from you." 

"I promise." Josie said, her voice shaking slightly. "Okay? I'm sorry."

"It's okay. I mean, betrayal, and all aside, you had my back today."

"And you had mine." The two smile at each other before lying down, cuddling together. "So, what are we gonna do about Dad?" 

"More like what is he gonna do to us?" Josie huffed out a laugh before taking the ice pack and putting it on the bruise making Lizzie wince. 

They wait for about fifteen minutes before they both drift off to sleep. 

Five minutes later, Alaric opens the door and looks at his daughters in relief. Josie woke up and sat up quickly, seeing her Dad standing at the door. 

"Dad. I can explain." She said quickly. Lizzie sat up as Alaric sat down on the edge of the bed. He looks at them both before wrapping them in a hug. 

A couple of minutes later, Katelyn and Hope appear in the doorway. They are changed and look recharged. Lizzie and Josie look at them and the two give them a small smile. 

Alaric pulled away from his daughters, turning to see what they are looking at. He stands up, glaring at Katelyn. "You two should go back to your room." He said. 


"No, girls. They are going to go back to their room." Alaric interrupted his daughters. 

Hope rubs the side of her nose and scoffs before walking back to her room. Katelyn stays, staring at Alaric with an unreadable expression on her face. 

"Father of the year, Alaric." She said bitterly before looking at the two girls. "We'll talk later, okay?" They both nod and she leaves, following after her sister. 

Alaric clenched his hands into fists. "Dad, what was that for?" Lizzie asked, annoyed. 

"I don't want you hanging out with Katelyn anymore." He told his daughters as he walked over to the door. 

"You can't do that, Dad!" Josie said and Lizzie nodded in agreement. 

"I can and I just did. She's dangerous and not a good influence. Whatever talk you guys were going to have is not going to happen. If I have to, I'll put you both in detention for the rest of the year." Then he walked out, closing the door behind him. 

"What the hell did Katelyn and Hope do when they were gone?" Lizzie asked as she and Josie look at each other. 

AN: Sorry it took so long to update! Don't forget to vote!

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