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happy birthdays & bio-moms

JOSIE LEANED BACK AGAINST THE DOOR TO HER DORM room before opening it to see Lizzie standing near her bed

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JOSIE LEANED BACK AGAINST THE DOOR TO HER DORM room before opening it to see Lizzie standing near her bed. She smiled slightly at her sister as she walked into the room, keeping the door open. 

"Hey, I didn't see you at breakfast." Josie said to her, wondering what was up with her.

Lizzie smiled brightly, skipping over to her sister. "I'm too excited to eat. Happy birthday to us." She said as she wrapped her brunette sister in a hug and spun her around as Josie, who looked surprised, hugged her back. "Isn't it a beautiful day for a party?" Lizzie asked as she pulled away and squeezed her sister's upper arms. 

"You're... cheerful." Josie stated as Lizzie took her hands. 

"Why wouldn't I be? Mom's coming home." Lizzie inquired before turning away and starting to list things off. "I had sex with Kate, my pores are practically invisible..." 

"Wait, what?" Josie asked, hearing the part where her sister had sex with her friend - someone who was turning out to be someone Josie could rely on and trust not to hurt her. "You had sex with—" 

"Last night." Lizzie said as she turned to face the brunette siphoner. "You know how Mom always says that things work out, in the end, the way they're supposed to? She's right. I wouldn't have time to represent the witches now with a girlfriend, so you getting the consolation prize is perfect." 

Josie looked down at her hands and rubbed them together before looking back up at her sister. 

"Okay. I need your help." Lizzie said as she showed Josie two clips. "I'm going for Meghan Markle tasteful." 

Josie shook her head, opening her mouth to speak when someone interrupted. 

"Woot, woot!" Penelope's irritating voice sounded from behind the brunette. She turned around to see the witch holding two cupcakes. "Happy birthday, witches."

"Oh, look. It's Satan." Lizzie stated dryly. "In a crop top. Come to burn my world down?"

"Retro. Princess Di before she got style. I dig it." Penelope said and Lizzie quickly took the clip out of her hair. 

Josie sighed. "What do you want?"

"Oh, just to cheer you two up. You know, 'cause your mom's not coming." 

"What?" The twins ask at the same time, Lizzie a bit more forcefully. 

"Oh, I heard them cancel her pickup at the office. I thought you knew." Penelope replied and Josie looked down at the ground with a saddened expression. "Oops." 

"Park!" A voice called and the three witches frowned as Jed appeared. "You need to leave. Now. Before I get Katelyn. She warned you to stay away." He said, getting in between the twins and Penelope. He crossed his arms. 

𝙏𝙝𝙚 𝙇𝙤𝙨𝙩 𝙃𝙚𝙞𝙧 - Lizzie SaltzmanWhere stories live. Discover now