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of gargoyles & more bloody noses

CHAPTER TWELVEof gargoyles & more bloody noses

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"KATELYN CAN YOU GO GET THE KNIFE FROM my office, please? It's locked in the drawer. The keys are in an egg-looking thing." Alaric asked the blonde and she nodded. She took off down the hall towards the office and retrieved the knife like she was told to do. She closed the drawer and locked it before putting the keys back where they came from. 

She walked out of the office and walked the halls until she found Alaric. She gave him the knife and he took it. They walked silently through the halls, careful to check every corner. Their footsteps were the only thing that could be heard. 

Both of them stopped when they heard rustling behind them. They both turned around and saw the statue standing near one of the doors. Alaric pulled Katelyn behind him as they walked in front of the gargoyle. 

Alaric stepped closer to it before stopping right in front of it. He stared at its face. Suddenly, Alaric raised his arm and was about to plunge the knife into the gargoyle's chest only for it to open its eyes and grab his arm, growling. 

The knife dropped out of Alaric's hand as the gargoyle twisted his arm and opened his mouth like he was going to eat him. Katelyn fell to the ground, unconscious. 

Katelyn woke up a couple of minutes later to find the gargoyle gone and Alaric passed out right beside her. She sat up and shook him. 

"Alaric. Ric. Hey, wake up." She said. He didn't budge. She stood up and dusted off her pants. She looked around before finding a vase full of water. She grabbed it and pulled the flowers out, putting them in a different vase. She walked over to the man and dumped the contents onto his head. 

He woke up, gasping. "What the hell?!" He shouted as he shook his head and wiped his eyes. 

Katelyn put the vase back. "You wouldn't wake up." She smiled innocently and helped him up. They both heard screeching in the distance and Alaric put his finger to his lips, telling her to be quiet. She nodded and the two slowly and silently walked away from where they were. 

"You go that way. I'll go this way. Meet up back here, okay?" He whispered and Katelyn nodded. She walked off towards the lounge to see if the gargoyle was there. 

She checked around every corner. She heard the entrance doors open and footsteps. Multiple. 

"Lizzie?" Came Josie's voice. Katelyn rushed in, covering her mouth and putting her finger to her lips, telling Hope and Josie to stay quiet. 

"What's going on?" Hope whispered. 

"We're under attack by a gargoyle, kay?" Katelyn replied just as quietly. 

"Is Lizzie okay?" Josie asked as she pulled away from Katelyn. 

"She got attacked by the gargoyle but Emma's watching over her. Hope, go check the library. Josie, go that way. Be careful." She ordered and the two nodded, doing what they were told. Katelyn follows her sister so she can branch off a different way. 

𝙏𝙝𝙚 𝙇𝙤𝙨𝙩 𝙃𝙚𝙞𝙧 - Lizzie SaltzmanWhere stories live. Discover now