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you have to choose

"If you love twopeople at the sametime, choose the second

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"If you love two
people at the same
time, choose the 

Because if you really
loved the first one,
You wouldn't have
fallen for the
- johnny depp

AND THEN COMPLETE CHAOS. The Hybrids and vampires cheer loudly, howls mixing in. The Eternals join in and everyone celebrates that they are free

Free from the witches. 

Free from the abuse.

The torture.

Katelyn drops to her knees as her kids run to her. She hugs them to her, closing her eyes and releasing a shaky breath as their scent reaches her nose. 

They hug her just as tight, their hearts beating rapidly in their chests. She's just happy that they are alive, that she can actually hear their hearts.

Hope takes off her mask, running a hand through her hair so it's not completely messy. Before she can react, two bodies crash into her small frame. Thanks to her sturdiness, she doesn't topple and is able to catch Penelope and Josie. 

Katherine is greeted by Griffin who is smiling excitedly at the scene around them. He takes off her mask and places a firm kiss on her lips. She's taken aback for a second before she kisses back. 

Jed and Landon hug Kaleb and MG, glad to be back with their friends. 

Stefan doesn't make an appearance and it takes a moment for Katelyn to notice because she keeps her kids close to her. 

She opens her eyes, pulling away from her kids. She kisses their foreheads, refusing to let the tears fall because they are okay

Griffin scoops up his younger siblings, spinning them around and laughing with them. Katelyn smiles at the sight, standing up and brushing off her pants. 

She looks around the room, her eyes finding Lizzie's. Her breath hitches at the shocked and fucking relieved look in her girlfriend's eyes. 

She's about to give her a searing kiss but Caroline catches her eye. The woman is watching the chaos, her eyes soft and bright but it's slightly dimmed with heartbreak. 

The smile wipes from Katelyn's face as she gives the room another once over. Hope notices too because the second their eyes connect, they get hit with the smell of Stefan Salvatore's blood. 

They vamp out of the room and to the source, finding Stefan on the ground, a knife lodged in his chest and a couple of pieces of wood in his stomach. 

He doesn't look like he has the strength to pull them out or even move. The witch who was in the chair is now dead, lying on the ground limply, another piece of wood resting right near their hand. 

𝙏𝙝𝙚 𝙇𝙤𝙨𝙩 𝙃𝙚𝙞𝙧 - Lizzie SaltzmanWhere stories live. Discover now