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of fire ladies & saving lives

CHAPTER SEVENof fire ladies & saving lives

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"The most dangerous
animal in the world is a
- anonymous 

"DAD LOVES HOPE MORE THAN US." LIZZIE said to her sister as they walk towards another one of their classes. 

Josie rolled her eyes. "You're being melodramatic, okay? He's missing one game." 

"First a game and then our weddings" -but what if Hope is in the wedding-- "This game is an opportunity. We can show him how seriously we are taking this by making sure that our secret stays protected out there on the field. Today, we will lose even more epically than we normally do." Lizzie said confidently. 

"Win by losing. That's the spirit." Josie said, smiling

"There's is someone we need to recruit to our Island of Misfit Toys. Tall, hot, and handsome." 

Josie frowned. "Rafael?" 

"I am totally thinking tight end." Lizzie said, looking up at the ceiling.

"I just saw him. Yeah, sorry, Raf's not gonna be at the game. He hopped the Hope train out of town. Just like Katelyn and your dad." Penelope appeared out of nowhere again, smirking. She walked away while Josie and Lizzie looked at each other. 





The four pull up to the side of the road in the old black SUV before they all hop out. Hope and Katelyn take the lead as the two boys walk behind them into the forest. Hope had tracked Landon to this location once again. 

"I don't know why he's still out here. He has a whole day's lead on us. He could be anywhere." Hope said. 

"Maybe 'cause he doesn't have a reason to run." Rafael pointed out. 

"Logic that would be perfectly believable if he hadn't, you know, ran." Hope scoffed. 

"Wait Shh! You hear that? Someone's here." Alaric shushed them. Katelyn frowned and listened closely, hearing a twig snap. Alaric took off in the other direction they were going in and the three quickly followed. They caught up to Dr. Saltzman to find a girl with darker skin, long black hair, and brown eyes. She had grime and black stuff on her face with clothes looking like she was from the nineteenth century. She was frightened as she stood up from where she was leaning against the tree. 

Katelyn's eyes widened as she went pale.

"Alaric." She tried getting his attention. 

He stepped forward, ignoring her as the girl took two steps back. "I- It's okay. I- I'm not gonna hurt you." Alaric told the girl softly, walking closer.

𝙏𝙝𝙚 𝙇𝙤𝙨𝙩 𝙃𝙚𝙞𝙧 - Lizzie SaltzmanWhere stories live. Discover now