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getting back on track


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"THEY ARE JUST AS GOOD AS BUILDING THINGS AS THEY ARE WRECKING THEM," Katelyn told Hope, Landon, Jed, and Griffin. They were sitting in the living room of the Club House -- their house. Just like Katelyn said, everything was still in the same place and normal just slightly brighter. 

"So we have Eternals build the new wing and connect to Salvatore," Hope continued from where she was leaning against the wall. Her outfit today consisted of a dark blue sweater, dark blue skinny jeans, and black wedged boots. Her hair had a small bun in the back while the rest of her hair cascaded over her shoulders, framing her face. 

Katelyn nodded, leaning back against the table she was by. She had on light blue jeans, brown hiking boots, a gray t-shirt, and a black leather jacket that had a hood. "They've built things for the witches and it has yet to collapse." 

"Oh, well, that makes me feel so much better," Hope drawled, rolling her eyes. Katelyn smiled at her. 

"I think it's a good idea," Landon piped up. He was leaning against the kitchen counter, chewing on some carrots. He was clad in jeans, gray converse, a light blue shirt, and a gray sweatshirt. 

"Nobody asked, bunny boy," Hope quipped, shooting him a glare. He flipped her off, pouting. Hope gave him a sarcastic smile in return. 

"It opens up space for the Hybrids, vampires, and the kids that we gained from the witches," Griffin speaks up from his place on the couch. He was in black sweats, black Adidas tennis shoes, and a purple long-sleeved shirt. "Plus it gives us access to them whenever we need it. They train, they get control, they can live life in the pack." 

Hope sighed, "fine but I don't want the Eternals building the school. We can do that part ourselves just like we did for this place." She toes the ground with her shoe. Katelyn cocked an eyebrow, "I don't trust them," her little sister explained. 

"And why is that?" Jed asked from his place next to Landon. He was in his sleepwear still which was a pair of gray shorts and no shirt and his hair was a complete mess. Thankfully, he had brushed his teeth. 

"They were planning on running as soon as Katelyn got back, taking her with them. Katelyn was in the foster system for years and they didn't do shit and yet they have the audacity to try and run us? Run me? I'm a goddamn Alpha and they don't know how to respect that," Hope spat, eyes slowly turning gold. 

Katelyn appeared beside her, wrapping an arm around her shoulders and pulling her close. Hope sighed and buried her face in her sister's shoulder, relaxing. "She's right," Griffin said, standing up, "they have no respect, for either of you. They cut you off, they go against your orders... they can't be trusted a the moment, sorry Mom." 

"Don't be, Luv," Katelyn shook her head, sighing, "they've always done that. None of them are Alpha's and the witches treated me as an equal instead of an Alpha to the wolves. They don't know how to act." She shrugged. 

𝙏𝙝𝙚 𝙇𝙤𝙨𝙩 𝙃𝙚𝙞𝙧 - Lizzie SaltzmanWhere stories live. Discover now