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of marking & dead-wives?


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KATELYN PULLED AWAY FROM LIZZIE AND CLOSED her eyes. Lizzie gently put her hands on the older girl's cheeks. "What's wrong?" 

"I, uh, my eyes..." Katelyn replied. She opened them and stared down at Lizzie with her golden eyes. 

"I like them." Lizzie smiled, rubbing her thumb on her cheekbone. Katelyn smiled. Lizzie pulled one of her hands away and lifted her head. She moved her hair away from her neck and then put her head back down. "It's okay..." 

Katelyn could feel her fangs popping out from her gums. "Are you sure?" Katelyn asked. Lizzie nodded. Katelyn lowered her head to the girl's neck and inhaled her scent. She nuzzled Lizzie's neck with her nose before biting down causing the girl to wince. Katelyn pulled back when she tasted blood. She licked the wound to soothe it before connecting their lips. 





Katelyn was walking the halls of the Salvatore school and found herself walking behind Dorian and a student. They were talking about something that Katelyn didn't find any interest in. She just stuffed her hands in her pockets and strolled along behind them, looking at everything. 

Ever since she came to the school, she hadn't really had a chance to look around. She was always helping Dr. Saltzman, running around the town, or in her dorm room with Hope or with Josie and MG. 

So, she took advantage of the time she had alone. Hope had gone to find Josie or get her a gift — something like that. She couldn't exactly focus with all that was going through her head, especially because of what happened a couple of nights ago in the gym. 

Lizzie and Katelyn had sex. In the gym. In the dark. And Katelyn had bitten her. 

What the hell was she thinking?!

Alaric had just started to like her and began to trust her a little more and she goes off and has sex with one of his daughters and marks her?! I'm such a dumbass she thought to herself. Not that I regret doing it though and she'd gladly do it again

"Dorian! Katelyn!"

Alaric's voice snapped her out of her thoughts. She looked up at Dorian who had turned to look at her. They both wore panicked and concerned expressions after hearing the man shout. They both took off down the hall towards the headmaster's office. 

They walked in a couple of seconds after arriving. 

"Are you okay?" Dorian asked. 

The first thing the two of them saw was Alaric holding a crossbow and then it was the woman in a wedding dress that Alaric was aiming said crossbow at. 

𝙏𝙝𝙚 𝙇𝙤𝙨𝙩 𝙃𝙚𝙞𝙧 - Lizzie SaltzmanWhere stories live. Discover now