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we're being punked pedro

CHAPTER ELEVENwe're being punked pedro

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KATELYN WALKED INTO ALARIC'S OFFICE cleaning her hand with a wet towel. He looked up at her before scowling. "What are you doing back? You are supposed to be--" 

"Yeah yeah, I know. I wanted you to hear it from me. I punched that kid Kyle in the face and broke his nose." She interrupted before throwing the towel away and walking out. He sighed just as Emma came in. 

Lizzie came walking by Katelyn a minute later, grabbing her arm. She pulled her back towards her father's office and opened the door. "A jerk. You are a total jerk." Lizzie says to her father, keeping a tight grip on Katelyn's hand. 

Alaric stood up after seeing his daughter covered in smoothie. "What happened to you?" He asked. 

"A Neanderthal from Mystic Falls High assaulted me with a milkshake." Lizzie said and Alaric looked at Katelyn. "This stupid girl Dana was being- You know what? I can't even talk about it. But now Hope and Josie are all sisters in solidarity." She turned to Emma. "But as I- we were walking home, I did the work and I dug deep, and I realized that this is all his fault." He looked at his father. 

Alaric kept on staring at Katelyn. "You punched Kyle... because he did this?" He asked, pointing to Lizzie. 

"Yes, she did. And she totally crapped on Dana." Lizzie said, sniffing. "But that's not the point, this is your fault." She told her father. 

"How is this my fault?" He asked. 

"Because if you had just been at that game instead of running around with Hope, then everything would've gone differently. And it is not fair that she gets to know secrets that your own daughters don't." Lizzie replied, tears in her eyes and her voice quivering. 

Katelyn wiggled her arm out of Lizzie's grasp and grabbed her hand, interlocking their fingers. Lizzie squeezed her hand. 

"She has a point." Emma said. 

"Not helping." Alaric said. 

"I am not going back there. Neither is Katelyn." Lizzie whispered. 

"Okay, that's fine, um... But I think Katelyn should go back." Alaric said.

Lizzie squeezed Katelyn's hand harder. "No, Dad. She's staying here with me." 

"Fine. Why don't you two go help the primary students out in the garden?" He asked. 

Lizzie looked at Emma. "At least now you know why I am so screwed up." She said before turning on her heel and walking out of the office with Katelyn right behind. Lizzie drags Katelyn to her room and they both walk in. "I'm going to take a shower. I'll be back." She said and Katelyn nodded. 

𝙏𝙝𝙚 𝙇𝙤𝙨𝙩 𝙃𝙚𝙞𝙧 - Lizzie SaltzmanWhere stories live. Discover now