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hope, i need your help


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"WE CAN SLAY A DRAGON, BUT WE CAN'T GET out of here." Katelyn said, annoyed. She was frustrated. Penelope had no right to do this but then again — according to Josie and Lizzie — Penelope Park was the mistress of stone-cold hearts and does whatever the hell she wants. "I mean we're two of the most powerful beings on the planet."

"Only Penelope can undo the spell. Or the twins could siphon the magic- wait, what?" Hope looked at her sister, confusion swirling in her eyes. An unspoken question flew between the two and Katelyn realized what she had said. She just dropped the biggest bomb that she's been meaning to talk about for a while. "What do you mean two, Katelyn?" Hope pressed. 

Katelyn sighed and rubbed her hands together. "You're a tribrid, Hope."

The auburn-haired girl nodded. "Thanks. I haven't noticed." She said sarcastically.

Katelyn gave her a look. "But... so am I. We're the same blood. We have the same parents. Did you really think I was gonna be some Hybrid thing while you're here being the one and only tribrid?" Katelyn raised an eyebrow. 

Hope opened and closed her mouth several times before deciding to keep it closed. 

"Exactly. I'm a tribrid as well. I'm not a vampire yet but I have died." Hope gave her a confused look. "When Landon and I got in that car crash, the one I told you about. We both died but our magic got transferred into each other in an attempt to save us both or something. Originally, Landon was a phoenix, not a wolf while I was originally a tribrid. Our magic interlocked and he got some of the werewolf genes while I got some of the phoenix genes. I like to call myself a trinix."

Hope stared at her. Katelyn could see that she didn't quite believe the phoenix part but everything else she seemed like she totally believed. 

"Okay, we'll talk about this later." Hope said and Katelyn nodded in agreement. 

"Well, the part about the twins siphoning magic is unlikely, seeing as Lizzie probably thinks I'm standing her up right now."

"Her ego could use a little bit of deflating." Hope said as she looked at Katelyn, staring her right in the eye. 

"I'm not that girl, okay? I don't just forget about people."

"Relax. It's only been 12 hours."

"It's not that!" Katelyn shouted as she walked away from her sister, running a hand through her hair. "Look, I really like her Hope. Penelope might have screwed this up for me." 

Hope sighed. "Okay. I understand. I'm upset about not being able to see Josie as well." 

Katelyn smiled at her sister. She knew that Hope was so deeply gone for that girl even if Hope couldn't see it just yet. 

𝙏𝙝𝙚 𝙇𝙤𝙨𝙩 𝙃𝙚𝙞𝙧 - Lizzie SaltzmanWhere stories live. Discover now