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of dark lords & knives

CHAPTER FOURof dark lords & knives

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"She was not 
fragile like a 
she was
fragile like a
- rahul singh rathour

KATELYN CHASED AFTER JOSIE AS SHE walked through the halls. Katelyn had gone to go find Josie after she didn't come back from her run to the kitchen and found she-who-must-not-be-named and MG together. She knew something had to of happened if Josie was upset about it. 

"Hey." Katelyn said as she grabbed onto the girl's arm, stopping her. "What happened back there?" She asked. 

"MG with Satan's tongue down his throat happened." Josie muttered. Katelyn frowned but didn't say anything more. 

"Well, we can hang out if you want. I don't exactly know the way to Hope's room so..." 

"You're bunking with Hope?" Josie asked, surprised as she pulled the blonde towards her room. "Is she okay with that?"

"She's the one who convinced your dad." Katelyn chuckled. 

"Who were you going to bunk with?" Josie raised an eyebrow as she put her hand on the doorknob and twisted. 

"Some wolf named Aubrey." Katelyn replied with a shrug and a smile. They walked into the room and Katelyn's eyes went straight to the blonde that was laying on one of the beds on her laptop. The younger girl looked up and her eyes widened when she saw that it wasn't just Josie who walked in. 

"Vistors. Great." She said sarcastically. Josie shot her a 'be nice' look while Katelyn rubbed the back of her neck. "What happened? Why aren't you two at the party?" 

"Pretty sure I just saw your dad walking towards the forest." Katelyn said, pointing to the window. The twins looked out and sure enough, there was Alaric Saltzman, walking into the woods. 

Josie huffed out a laugh before scowling. "I just saw MG with his tongue down you-know-who's throat." 

Lizzie gasped, clearly appalled by the news. "Gross! He should know better than to make out with the Dark Lord. Bad friend move." Katelyn laughed under her breath at the connection of Harry Potter

Josie nodded. "Yeah..." She said quietly as she sat down on the bed. 

Katelyn frowned. "Hey, just forget about it. If you want... I may or may not know a spell that turns people's skin pink..." The two stares at her with their mouths dropped and eyes wide. She shrugged. "What? I met a witch who told me about the spell." 

They giggled making Katelyn smile. 

She heard footsteps and turned her head to see Hope walking past. The girl stopped and walked backward, their eyes locking. She raised an eyebrow. 

"You're back?" Lizzie asked disdainfully. 

"Yes, I am. Also, I almost killed Landon." She said pointing to Katelyn. 

The blonde groaned. "I swear that boy is going to be the death of me... again." She muttered. Hope's eyebrows shot up in question. Katelyn waved her off. "Anyway, I'm sensing the tension between the three of you..." She trailed off, looking between the twins and Hope. 

"I'll tell you later. Do you have a way to get back to my room?" Hope asked. Katelyn pointed to Josie. Hope nodded and then walked off. 

Katelyn turned towards the two. "So, you three are fun." She smirked. 

Josie chuckled and patted the spot next to her on her bed. Katelyn walked over and sat down. "Lizzie, tomorrow we are going to show Katelyn and Landon around since they are staying here." 

Lizzie nodded. "Alright... what is the curly fry anyway?" She asked. 

Josie shot her a look. "Uh, a werewolf." Katelyn replied. 





It's the next morning where Alaric meets the tribrid's outside. After witnessing Katelyn's anger he decided it was safest to do so outside before everyone else was awake. Katelyn and Hope have trouble registering what Alaric is saying. They don't believe what he is saying. Katelyn rubs her face as Hope speaks to Alaric. 

"How do you know it's him?" 

Alaric scoffed, thinking they were both naive to even think that Landon couldn't have stolen the knife. 

"Ancient artifact goes missing, along with a new student that's supposedly a werewolf? You do the math, Hope." 

Katelyn growls while Hope shakes her head in disbelief. "That would make him a liar, okay? I've known my fair share of those, and there was nothing about him--" 


"--No, you don't understand. There's no way that the one stupid time that I choose to get close to someone, they turn out to be a liar. It's not possible, okay? I'm not that stupid!" Hope snapped. Tears welled up in her eyes. Katelyn pulled Hope into her, running her fingers through her auburn-hair locks. 

"Rafael came to my office this morning saying that Landon was nowhere to be found nor was his things." Alaric continued softly. 

"So, you're saying that my brother is a thief?" Katelyn asked with a stoic face. 

Alaric pointed at her with a glare. "You could very well be in on it!" 

"You can't be serious?!" Katelyn growled, her eyes going from blue to gold in a matter of seconds. "I didn't even know that the stupid knife existed until you brought it up!" 

"You show up out of nowhere! You know more about the supernatural world than you are letting on! And in your file, it says at almost every house you've been too a kid always goes missing." 

Katelyn's eyes flickered before she let go of Hope and dragged her hands down her face. Hope gave her a concerned look before shooting Alaric a glare. Katelyn turned towards Alaric and clenched her hands into fists. 

"You want to know why the fuck kids go missing, Alaric?!" She whispers shouted. "Because I take the triggered werewolves to Massachusets where the people who took me from my family are! They are creating a pack full of Hybrids and werewolves. They took bags and bags of my blood so that they could making fucking Hybrids. I haven't seen my family- my sister- since I was one-years-old! Landon and Rafael were my only safe place, Alaric. I know my brothers and Landon is not a thief. This is what he does. He doesn't know what he is doing until he's done it. It's like he's possessed or some crazy shit!"

Katelyn looked towards the doors and saw Lizzie and Josie waiting, staring at the group. 

Katelyn stepped towards Alaric, her eyes glowing. "I've been through shit, Alaric. So please, just trust me. I'll figure this out." He gulped and nodded. She stepped back and looked at Hope who had silent tears streaming down her face. "Hey, it's okay." 

"No, it's not!" She shouted. "We should've looked for you harder! We should've- FUCK!" Hope put her hands on her knees, panting. Katelyn frowned. Hope swayed slightly. 

"Hope. Hope!" Katelyn caught her as she fell over. Lizzie and Josie came running over as Alaric knelt down next to them as Katelyn lowered Hope to the ground. Katelyn checked her pulse, breathing out a sigh of relief when she found a steady one. "Sometimes I wish I was high..." She muttered. 

~Authors Note~

Fourth chapter! Woohoo! Constructive criticism is wanted! Thank you!

𝙏𝙝𝙚 𝙇𝙤𝙨𝙩 𝙃𝙚𝙞𝙧 - Lizzie SaltzmanWhere stories live. Discover now