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scoldings & a walk in the rain

"Rain showers myspiritand waters mysoul"- emily logan decens

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"Rain showers my
and waters my
- emily logan decens

"HEY, SALTZMAN TWINS." JOSIE AND LIZZIE look up when they hear their names, seeing Rebekah Mikaelson walking towards them. The rest of the Mikaelson clan was right behind her.

"Yes?" Josie said, looking up at the woman. 

"Do either of you know where my niece is?" Rebekah asked, crossing her arms and looking down at the two Gemini twins. "Her and even her roommate are not in their room and it's raining out."

Josie looked over at Lizzie. "I haven't seen Hope since last night and Katelyn since the day before," the brunette told her sister. 

"Same. Weird," Lizzie frowned, trying to think of a place where her girlfriend and friend could be. The blonde looked up at Rebekah. "They weren't with us last night so we have no idea." 






"LANDON YOU STUPID FIRE CHICKEN!" Hope yelled when he almost lit her on fire on accident. 

"I'm sorry!" He yelped, ducking when the girl sent a piece of wood at his head. 

Hope rolled her eyes and continued walking back to the school. Jed and Katelyn had gone back a little earlier since they needed to check in with the pack. 

They went to their rooms and changed, Hope just grabbing random pieces of clothing from the closet not bothering to look if they were hers or Katelyn's. 

She hummed to herself, making her way to the cafeteria where she was going to get herself some breakfast. She was very tired but her starvation was trumping her exhaustion-- right now at least. 

Landon met up with her, buried in a hoodie. 

"Same, bro, same," Hope muttered and the two did a handshake as they grabbed their food. They made their way to the table and sat down, Hope next to Josie and Landon next to Rafael. 

"Wow, choosing your girlfriend over your aunts," Freya shook her head in mock disappointment. Hope grunted, grabbing her chocolate chip muffin and peeling off the wrapping paper a bit before taking a bite. 

Josie rested her hand on Hope's thigh as she continued to write down notes for her history class. Klaus was helping her with most of it since the unit was focusing on the Originals. 

Jed comes running in, snatching the bacon off of Landon's plate and scrambling underneath the table, sitting down between Landon's legs. Landon looks over at Hope who opens and closes her mouth a couple of times before shaking her head, going back to watching Josie write. 

𝙏𝙝𝙚 𝙇𝙤𝙨𝙩 𝙃𝙚𝙞𝙧 - Lizzie SaltzmanWhere stories live. Discover now