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the quarry


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"A DATE?" LIZZIE ASKED KATELYN. She looked surprised. Shocked even. It wasn't that she didn't want to, she just didn't expect it right at this moment. 

Katelyn had met her outside of her class and asked her out. "Mhm. A date," Katelyn replied with a nod of her head. "Of course, if you don't want to I can always go take my broken heart to my fan group of possible lovers..."

Lizzie stepped in front of the Trinix, the older blonde stopping with a smirk on her face and a teasing glint in her eye. "What fan group?" Lizzie demanded looking angry and jealous. 

Katelyn laughed, shaking her head. "I'm not going to tell you. I just know you're gonna hex them." She walked around the blonde who stood in place for a second before quickly following after her. 

"Of course I'm gonna hex them!" Lizzie said loudly, throwing her unoccupied hand in the air and handing Katelyn her books that were in the other. The Trinix took them, leveling the girl with a 'no shit' look. 

"So, that date...?" Katelyn cocked an eyebrow, turning around so she was walking backward. 

Lizzie pursed her lips and dragged out the silence. Katelyn was beginning to doubt this. Maybe Lizzie just wanted something casual. Like sex. Not a relationship—

"Of course, you idiot," Lizzie said with a smile, stopping the older girl and pecking her lips. Katelyn deflated in relief, a small, relaxed grin on her face. 






Landon grumbled underneath his breath as Jed, Katelyn, Hope, and him trekked through the forest. He had tripped over a total of five tree roots, two bushes, and a tree stump— which was sad since it was popping out of the ground and very clearly visible— and has been complaining about it the whole walk.

"Landon," Hope said, catching the boy's attention. "Shut up before I snap your neck." 

He raised his hands in surrender, pursing his lips tightly. Jed snickered as Katelyn rolled her eyes. 

"Kate, where the hell are we going?" Landon asked after a moment of tense silence. They had been walking through the forest for an hour and have yet to reach their destination. 

Katelyn had told them their training was beginning this week and since today was Monday, their training started. 

She stopped and the three followed suit. "Why are we at the Quarry?" Hope asked her sister, confused, as they stood on the edge of the cliff. This is where their father had broken the bound to his werewolf side and truly became his Hybrid self. It was also where Silas put Stefan in a safe and threw him in the water. 

"This is where you'll be training," Katelyn replied simply. She raised her hand and twirled her wrist around. A small wood wall appeared. 

Weapons of many kinds were hung up on the wall. 

"Woah," Jed mumbled, touching one of the small golden daggers. 

"Careful," Katelyn turned to look at the boy over her shoulder, smirking with a mischievous glint in her eye. "That one is enchanted. Poisonous to wolves." He yelped and retracted his hand quickly. Katelyn chuckled. "Joking, Luv. Now, no one comes around here. We'll be able to train in peace." 

"Okay... but why the Quarry?" Landon asked curiously as he looked down at the water. 

Katelyn hummed, shrugging. "Don't know... maybe because I can do this." She shoved him over the side. He cried out, flipping forward as he tumbled off the side. He fell feet first into the water. Jed and Hope quickly looked over, laughing when Landon came up spluttering.

"You fuckin' bitch!" He yelled, splashing water around. Katelyn laughed. 





"Maybe you should... meet our family," Hope said hesitantly. 

Katelyn stopped what she was doing, freezing in place. She had been writing in her journal, the pencil flying across the page faster than Hope could even comprehend. 

Hope bit her lip, running a hand through her hair. "I just don't want to avoid you all day when they get here. You've become so important to me—"

"Hope," Katelyn interrupted and her younger sister looked up at her, a small, sad frown on her lips. She looked so nervous and hopeful that it made Katelyn's heart thud painfully in her chest. Katelyn set her journal down and stepped over to Hope's bed, laying down next to her. "I'm not ready." Hope looked down, hiding her face. Katelyn brushed a piece of hair behind her ear. "I won't become invisible though, darling. You'll see me around the school. We can hang out during classes— plus your training isn't just gonna stop because family's here." 

Hope nodded and curled into her. Katelyn wrapped her arms around her, kissing her forehead. 

"Okay," Hope whispered, resting her head on her older sister's chest. 

AN: Sorry that it's shorter than usual. I hope you enjoyed. Don't forget to vote and comment!

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