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the date


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LIZZIE WAS KINDA, SORTA FREAKING out. Josie and Hope were trying to calm her down before she went into one of her episodes. 

"Liz, take a deep breath," Hope ordered gently, rubbing her friend's arms up and down. "Katelyn isn't gonna be here for another hour and a half or so. You have plenty of time to get ready." 

Lizzie gave her a shocked, outraged look. "This is why you've never been on a date, Mikaelson!" She almost shrieked, slapping Hope's hands away from her and rushing to her closet. 

"Ouch," Hope grunted, rolling her eyes and walking over to Josie. 

"I need this to be perfect! I don't want her second-guessing this," Lizzie's muffled admission spoke. 

Josie frowned, crossing her arms. "Lizzie, we both know Katelyn would never do that. She's too into you. Seriously, she's always staring at you." 

"You make her sound like a stalker," Hope muttered with a snort. 

Lizzie came out of the closet, holding a blue blouse and pair of dark skinny jeans in her hands. She walked over to the mirror and put the piece of clothing up to her body. "I don't really have the best track record in dating, Jos. She may decide that she doesn't want me," her sister said, giving the brunette a look through the mirror.

Hope walked into the closet, her nose scrunched at the sight of the blue blouse. She plucked the dark red blouse off the hanger. "Put this one on. Katelyn likes red," she said, tossing the shirt to Lizzie who startled a bit, fumbling with the piece of fabric. The blonde gave the auburnette a grateful smile before turning back to the mirror.

"I think I have worse," Josie pouted, thinking back to Penelope. 

Hope made a face. "What the fuck am I then?" 

"A supernatural fruit salad," Lizzie smirked. Hope flipped her off and flopped onto Josie's bed, putting her hands behind her head. Lizzie quickly began to change as she made her way to the bathroom. 

Josie gave her sister a weird look. Lizzie has never freaked out this much before. She must really like Katelyn. 

"Josay, can you come do my hair, please?" Lizzie called, dragging out the nickname she knows Josie hates.

"Not if you keep calling me that," she sniffed, her pout deepening. Hope grinned slightly. 

"Ugh, okay, fine! Josie, will you please come do my hair?" Her sister tried again and the brunette beamed, skipping over to the bathroom and grabbing the hairbrush.





𝙏𝙝𝙚 𝙇𝙤𝙨𝙩 𝙃𝙚𝙞𝙧 - Lizzie SaltzmanWhere stories live. Discover now