Familiar Faces in Unfamiliar Places

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"The weather's nice today," I glanced to the side in surprise, Hinata staring up into the completely overcast sky that was definitely my definition of not a beautiful day.

"Glad you think so," Ino sighed, "It's too dreary for me."

"That's why I like it." she joked.

I frowned; I liked the sun, it was warm and bright and comforting. This day was anything but that, and I just couldn't understand how she could get comfort from rainclouds. I wonder if Sasuke thought the same way, it wouldn't surprise me.

Lee gave the sky a brief look before redirecting his attention to Hinata, "I'm surprised you could come, Hinata."

She sighed, "I know right, but all of my work is exactly the reason I wanted to get away for a little bit." She held up a hand and began raising fingers, "Running the clan, teaching Hanabi, my job, dealing with Neji's love life, Kiba's clan life," she scoffed, "Anything to get away from it for a while."
"I'm happy you're here then." Lee grinned brightly, "Taking a break can be good."

"You're saying that?" I asked in disbelief, "Now I don't know what to believe." I folded my arms behind my head in a stretch, "But that does sound like a lot; I'm here because I'm bored."

"Of course, you are Naruto." Ino huffed before quirking a brow at Hinata, "Though, that does beg the question of how you were able to get out of all that stuff."

Hinata shrugged, "The hospital's gotten along without me before, and I was able to get someone to hold down the Hyuga fort for a while."

"Who?" Lee pressed curiously.

Hinata's smirk held just the slightest tinge of evil, "Shikamaru."

I whipped around to face her in shock, "How the hell did you convince him to do that!?"

She waved a mockingly aloof, dismissive hand, "I have my ways."

"Can you teach me them?" Ino insisted, "I can't get Shikamaru to do anything anymore."

Hinata laughed, "It took a little convincing, but he got kind of serious about it once I explained to him that since he's a Jounin now he needs to be able to take on responsibility, especially if he wants to work for the Hokage at some point."

"He really wasn't kidding about that..." Ino crossed her arms over her chest, shooting me an odd look that I didn't really get.

My brain finally put the pieces together, "He wants to help me?"

Hinata nodded, and Lee gave me a thumbs up, "I think you'd be a great Hokage!"

"Thanks," I laughed, "Hopefully I'll become a jounin before that happens though."

Hinata was smiling like she was in on some inside joke the rest of us didn't know, "Yeah, it's pretty annoying watching everyone else advance while we're stuck as Chunin for the year. Neji and Shino were promoted too."

"It seems kinda dumb for you both to be stuck," Ino agreed, "It's honestly kinda crazy to think about... Choji is probably going to be promoted soon."

"And Sasuke," I scoffed.

"And you, Lee." Hinata grinned back at him, and Lee blushed slightly. She then looked at Ino, "You really should start making the push too, y'know. You could be a specialized jounin for the sensory corps."

"Oh... I don't know," she sheepishly replied, "I'm not sure if I'm skilled enough for that yet."

"I've heard plenty about how helpful you were during the war!" Lee turned to her, brimming with encouragement, "I think you're plenty skilled!"

Reborn as Sakura and Hinata: Lost in the Wind (Part 2)Where stories live. Discover now