Loved by a Bottle

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 Glancing over the back of the couch, I internally sighed at seeing that Hinata was, once again, organizing the bookshelf. I didn't know why she kept doing it, everything seemed to be in place to me, but at the moment she just seemed obsessed with 'perfectly optimizing the layout of her reading material'.

I shouldn't have been surprised though; I had watched her systematically move through the entire house to rearrange things for reasons that I still couldn't quite figure out. It was normal for her to create order where she could when she felt like her life was too chaotic, but this was on another level that was starting to disturb me.

It was past midnight and she hadn't somehow grown tired of this, hell, I was tired watching her. I wonder if I asked Neji if he'd know how common this was, although I had a feeling it wasn't very.

"Hina," I called out to her, resting my chin on the back of the couch, "C'mere."

"In a second." she mumbled, pensively staring at the book shelf.

"The books are fine," I scoffed, "Stop."

"No." she simply responded, her eyes suddenly lighting up. When she turned back to the couch I hopefully thought that she had finally seen reason, but instead she walked right past me to pick a book off of the coffee table, "This is what was missing."

Nope, wasn't going to let this continue. As she went to replace the book, I reached out and grabbed her by one of the belt loops of her shorts, pulling her back onto the couch.

Shet let out a yelp of surprise, "H-Hey!" glaring at me like I had greatly offended her, she went to stand up again, "Just let me put this back."

"Nope." I flopped down over her legs, crossing my arms over my chest and meeting her glare, "If I let you do that, you'll then start 'fixing' something else."

"Get. Off." she demanded firmly.

I rolled over, resting my head on her legs and folding my arms in front of me to keep her locked in, "No."

She smacked the back of my head lightly with the book, "Off!"

"No." I restated and held a hand up to catch the book as she tried to hit me again, plucking it from her grasp and tossing it back to the coffee table where it had originally been.

"I can't believe you." she huffed, clearly pouting now, "Why can't I put it back?"
"I already told you." I frowned up at her, before shrugging, "Besides, the book's okay on the coffee table, gives it character."

"Ugh, I hate you." she leaned back, crossing her arms over her chest, and I couldn't help but smirk because I had totally just won. She wasn't moving me, and now I had her to myself.

The happy little feeling soon left me though as I was able to get a much better read on her now, and it was how I feared. Something was wrong, and she wasn't talking to me about it. I could tell for a while now her mood had been completely thrown off, and, while some of it was definitely stress, she was different after the last mission she went on. Both her and Naruto were different actually, and it was annoying the hell out of me not knowing what happened.

Obviously she didn't owe it to me to tell me about every little feeling she had or every occurrence in her life, but I was starting to notice things that were worrying me, such as how she'd be having problems sleeping much like tonight.

Not that I was all that tired myself, it was a problem we had both been having which was most of the reason I had been sleeping over at her apartment a lot more. We kind of acted like sleeping aids for each other, so I was concerned that it wasn't working tonight. Akamaru had fallen asleep hours ago, but she seemed just as awake as ever. She was wound up way too much and kinda smelled off, but I could've chocked that up to her being sad, as weird as being able to smell emotions was.

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