Romance, Eyebrows, and Rock Collecting

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"There you are!" I huffed as soon as Shikamaru turned the corner of the street. He always had to be late to everything didn't he.

He sighed in response, exasperation only increasing when I held my hand out to him, "We're doing this again?"

Choji laughed, holding up my other hand which he was currently holding, "Path of least resistance."

With another sigh, looking around as if this was the worst thing he'd ever have to do, he walked over to my side and took my free hand, "What a drag..."

"Is holding hands with me really so bad?" I asked in mild offense; if he was going to bitch about it so much I guess I might as well stop.

He just shrugged, "Embarrassing..."

Chuckling, Choji nudged me, "It's fine, he's just being difficult."

"Treating everything like a pain is no way to live." I advised, "You won't enjoy life that way."

"He's been stressed out recently." Choji hummed, which was probably correct if Hinata really did make him lead the Hyuga clan for a few days.

Shikamaru shot him a glare before relenting, us all falling silent for a few minutes before looking down at our hands and swinging them, "We won't get to do this forever, y'know."

"Yeah," I scoffed, "I know that, so let me do it while I can."

"It's just that..." he shrugged again, "You might not want to do this when Temari's in town. I think she'd get mad."

Choji and I smirked at each other before laughing, Shikamaru turning to us confusedly, "What?"

"Why would you think she'd get mad?" I asked in turn, teasingly.

He pointedly turned away, "I dunno, she'll get upset randomly if I talk to girls sometimes. It's weird, bothersome."

"Like you didn't get mad last time she was here and talked to those wind style shinobi." Choji replied flatly, and I rejoiced that he was joining in on my teasing.

"I was not mad." Shikamaru argued.

I giggled, and Choji made a disbelieving noise, "Seemed kinda mad to me. Didn't you immediately ask to leave as soon as one of them started making her laugh?"

Shikamaru actually blushed at that, a clear sign that Choji had him figured out, "Maybe I just had places to be? Did you consider that?"

Choji and I laughed again, and I heard him mutter 'what a drag' under his breath. Choji smiled at him, all sense of teasing now gone, "Look, Shikamaru, if you like her you should really just go for it. You both obviously like each other, and you know she likes you. So, stop acting stupid and just get it over with, it'll be 'much less of a drag' if you do so now."

"You... have a point." Shikamaru admitted, scratching the back of his neck with a look of resignation. I didn't get how everything seemed to be such a pain for him to do, and I couldn't help but wonder if he was truly just profoundly lazy or if it was something else. Shikamaru then smirked, shooting a look at Choji, "Maybe you should take your own advice, though."

I gasped, gawking at Choji in disbelief, "Not you too!"

Choji smiled sheepishly, now it being his turn to avert his eyes, "I'm not quite so sure. I don't have anything as obvious as you and Temari."

Shikamaru rolled his eyes, "Yeah, yeah, out with it."

"Well," Choji hummed, "Remember Karui from the Cloud?"

Shikamaru nodded, "I had forgotten her name, yeah, I know who you're talking about."

"Her?" I stared at him in blatant disbelief. She was so brash... and mean, and loud! Of course she was a very talented kunoichi, but I wasn't quite sure what was attractive about her, besides her gorgeous eyes of course.

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