People to Apologize to

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With a sigh, I craned my head back over the arm of the couch, trying to peer into the kitchen to see if I'd be interrupting. Resigning myself to actually having to move, I shifted the fluffy head in my lap out of the way so I could lean on the back of the couch. Akamaru begrudgingly moved for me, and, while I normally hated being this needy and lazy, today was one of those morning sickness days where every single smell made me want to vomit and walking felt like I was tripping on an ungodly amount of shrooms.

Now being able to peek into the kitchen, I could see Kiba and Sakura were still where they were the first time I'd looked over. Sakura sat behind Kiba in their chair, leaning over his shoulder to point and direct as they worked on her leg. I hated to interrupt, but I was dying.

"Kiba," I called out, "Can you get me some water?"

He immediately snapped to attention, "Uh, yeah, gimme a sec."

I watched as he stood up, Sakura still clinging to his back. She wasn't seriously going to make him cart her around was she? He didn't even make a move to get her off of him as he walked to the cupboards, one hand loosely on her leg to keep her in place. He opened the cupboard, Sakura reaching up for him and grabbing a couple of glasses.

"I want water too." she explained.

He nodded, accepting the cup she handed him and going to the sink to fill it, then exchanging it with Sakura to fill the other one. As they entered the living room, he seemed to finally notice that I was staring at them, and he quirked a brow, "What?"

I took the water from him, gesturing to them with my other hand, "Why the hell are you two so in sync? It's weird as hell, like you've done that before."

"Not like you two aren't the same," he retorted, glancing at Sakura over his shoulder, "I dunno, I guess that sometimes we'd do this during that time you were gone."

I frowned at Sakura, and she frowned back defensively, "I like being carried, okay? Even when I had both of my legs!" It made enough sense, I knew that Sakura loved to be carried at every opportunity; I just wasn't sure why Kiba seemed so accepting.

He shrugged, "Yeah, it's kinda normal with her I guess."

"Besides," Sakura wrapped her arms around him more in a hug, "I have a lot of hugs to make up for!"

"Huh?" What the hell did that mean? Was that, like, a 'thing' between them?

Kiba flushed a bit, "It's not that big a deal, Sakura."

"What!?" she gasped, only hugging him tighter, "It is! How do I know you've been getting enough hugs when you've been living with Hina?"

I sat back down on the couch, taking a sip of my water, "Oh, we've been doing plenty, and not just hugging."

"H-Hina!" Kiba stuttered, "Jeez, what's up with you two? You always need to make the conversation dirty."

"Hm?" Sakura smirked, leaning down closer to his face, "I thought you liked it dirty."

"Stop." he glared back at her, and she giggled, going back to hugging him.

"Damn, it's almost creepy," I noted, "It's almost like you didn't even notice her."

Kiba considered it for a moment, "I guess I kinda don't anymore. Back then, maybe yeah, but now... she's just so small..." he glanced back at Sakura again with mild curiosity, "It feels like I'm carrying Hanabi or something, or maybe more like how I used to carry Akamaru when he was a puppy, I almost never felt his weight."

Sakura pouted at him, eyes narrowing, "I want Hina now."

"What?" his brow furrowed, "Don't we have work-"

Reborn as Sakura and Hinata: Lost in the Wind (Part 2)Where stories live. Discover now