Someones Get This Lass a Harem

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Yui didn't hold onto me like this while we slept.

That was the first thing that my mind processed as I began to wake up; Yui didn't cuddle, she just didn't. She slept on her side of the bed, and I slept on mine. So why were there arms around me?

Glancing back over my shoulder, I relaxed when I noticed an excessive amount of pink, but- Hold on... that just opened up a ton more questions!

I sat up, Sakura jolting awake from the disturbance, "What the hell are you doing here!?"

She blinked at me wide eyed, "Sleeping?"

Yui rolled over with a yawn, "You didn't notice?"

"No," She was just okay with this, "How did you get here?"

"Um..." Sakura looked off to the side, "Magic?"

My eyes narrowed, I knew better than to expect a proper answer but that didn't mean I didn't want one all the same, "Sakura, how did you get into my house?"

She blinked, then performing jazz hands, "Magic."

"Just let it be." Yui suggested, "It isn't a massive problem, is it?"

"She broke into our house without permission." I stressed, "How is that not a big deal? And how did she get here anyway?"

"I gave her permission." Yui stated, now also sitting up, "I can't tell you how she got here, but last night she asked if she could come in. You were already asleep and all that, and I didn't think you'd be such a baby about it since I'd expect that she's already done this with you."

"Well... yeah," I huffed, "But that was different."

Yui shrugged, "It didn't hurt anything anyways, I wasn't going to leave her outside, and," she wrapped her arms around Sakura to which she reciprocated, "She gives me hugs."

"You never ask me for them!" I blurted incredulously, "I didn't know you wanted that."

She rolled her eyes, "Whatever, I usually expect you're going to say no or make a big deal out of it anyways."

"I..." okay, she had a point, and I sighed, "Maybe just let me know next time?"

Sakura nodded, "Will do! Though this was a little unplanned."

I waved it off, standing up to get ready as Yui helped Sakura to the bathroom for the two of them to get ready. Why the hell would she be here? I thought she was living with Hinata and Kiba, but, then again, her strange, trident-wielding guard had come back, so maybe she was living with Naruto? But, then why wouldn't she be with him? Did Hinata and Kiba even know about this? It made enough sense that they'd want a break from her by now, but that 'unplanned' part made me nervous that I'd have to deal with some panic later today.

I brushed those worries off for the moment, though, heading to the kitchen to begin making breakfast, but, as soon as I walked into the room I noticed a subtle draft. My eyes quickly shot to the window where a foot carefully lowered itself into the room... Kakashi slowly entered, trying to not make any noise, and promptly froze as we made eye contact.

"Oh," he smiled, "Hello Sasuke."
I stared at him in disbelief, "Yo... Sensei... whatcha doin' there?"

He didn't speak for a moment, "Just a visit." Dammit, this shit again.

"I'm not your dealer, stop stealing from me." I deadpanned.

He frowned, pulling his other leg up onto the windowsill so he could crouch on it, "I wouldn't have to if you'd just tell me who your dealer is."

Reborn as Sakura and Hinata: Lost in the Wind (Part 2)Where stories live. Discover now