Good 'ol Fashion Girl Time

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"Well, you finally did it," Hina sighed as she slowly lowered herself into the water, "You got me into a pool."

Clapping my hands together, I descended the steps after her, making sure to remain on the final step so I wouldn't go in too deep, "What an accomplishment."

"Right?" She smiled airily, "You've done the impossible."

"Hina in water that won't give the average person 3rd degree burns and a swimsuit?" I joked with a half laugh. I was pretty surprised that she agreed to this, though, as she'd only gone swimming a handful of times in her life. I wasn't sure what about it she didn't like, maybe it was swimsuits, maybe it was being around other people, she could've just not liked cold water, but I guess I should've been happy she'd given in to me this once.

Her gaze softened, and she moved back over to the steps to stand in front of me, "You aren't still embarrassed, are you?"

I flushed almost immediately, "How can I not be!?" With a pout, I turned away from her; God, I couldn't even look at her either without thinking of what I must've done. Even what I vaguely remembered doing was bad enough. God, what the hell was wrong with me?

She shrugged lightly, leaning against the side of the pool, "I dunno, guess I didn't think that you would care that much, never mind lock yourself in your room for the entire night and refuse to let even Kiba see you."

"I grabbed his ass!" I hissed, hoping that no one else was in this area of the hot springs, but, as far as I knew, it was empty today.

She was unimpressed, "You've done that before."
"Not like that." I gasped, raising my hands to my face in a sorry attempt to hide, and let out a stressed groan, "That was different. Ugh, I can't believe it... everyone I saw yesterday!"

Hina hummed, "I suppose you're a lover of universal displays of affection, but you do have an interesting way of expressing it." She glanced down, looking back up at me and boosting up her boobs, "Wanna rest your head?"

With a squeak of embarrassment, I hopped up onto a higher step so I could crouch down and hide my face in my knees, "I'm sorry, okay!? I like you for more than your boobs obviously!" Why was I like this?

"Of course," She slid up to the steps, sitting beside me, "But you also seem to like your face in them, high or not." I let out another noise and turned from her, "I don't get why you're so embarrassed, it really wasn't all that out of character for you to be honest."

"Don't say that!" I whined, throwing my head back in exasperation, "I cringe when I remember how impulsive I was." I set my head back in my knees dejectedly, "It's really embarrassing to think about how I'd just do things to people without thinking about how it might affect them. They were just characters to me back then, and I knew what I was doing... it was almost a joke or a game to me more than anything... This was different and genuine and totally not in my control."

Hina tilted her head thoughtfully, "That makes enough sense."

I shook my head, "I was just running up to people and feeling them up! I definitely don't have a history of doing that."

"Fair." Hina agreed, "You have a little more to say before you do so, at least."

"And I'd stopped trying to do that to Kakashi a long time ago too." I had to have been bright red. Christ, the things I must've done to him, "And here I come out of nowhere, swaggering into his office high off of my ass and flirting with him and then basically molesting him... I'm doomed."

A soothing hand ran through my hair, causing me to look back up, "Hey, I'm sure he doesn't see it that way, and I promise you all anyone was worried about in that whole thing was if you were going to be okay. He just wanted you to be safe, you are, and now he'll get over it." She smirked, "At least you're a couple now, you actually have an excuse to harass him."

Reborn as Sakura and Hinata: Lost in the Wind (Part 2)Where stories live. Discover now