Face Reveal

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"Puerto Rico is an island."

"Hm?" I glanced over at Kiba, tilting my head at the completely random statement.

"You called me that once." He clarified, smirking down at me, "Remember? Thought it was some kind of nickname."

I gasped, flushing as the memory hit me like a train, and I shielded my face behind my hands, "Why are you bringing that up now!?"

"Because I finally found out what Puerto Rico is." He replied, sounding genuinely happy about it as his eyes returned to the road, "I'd been wondering since you said it, and now I know it's an 'unincorporated U.S. territory'. Whatever the hell that means."

I lowered my hands, quirking a brow, "I don't... know what that means either, I just knew a place with that name existed I guess."

"Geography not your strong suit?" Leaning towards me teasingly, I shied away under his amused grin with a pout.

"So what? It's not like that stuff's ever done me any good anyways!" I gave him a pointed once over, frowning up at him and gesturing with my hand, "Speaking of 'suits', why are you wearing one? The Hokage's Tower doesn't really do formal."

"It's not like I'm wearing the full thing." He grumbled; to be fair, he was right, though he was wearing nicer pants than usual with the suit jacket so obviously something was going on, and he shrugged, "And I want people to take me seriously."

"What?" I cracked a smile, that was so oddly adorable and weird to hear from him, and I gave him a playful nudge, "Who wouldn't take that cute face seriously?"

He looked down at me between laughing and wanting to be put off, "That's kind of the opposite impression I want people to have. I'm not coming along with you today just to bother you; there's stuff I need to talk about, and I can't have people writing me off."

"I take you seriously!" I slid up next to him, poking him in the side and moving to follow him as he jumped away.

He attempted to swat me away from him, reluctantly smiling although he tried to be annoyed, "This is the opposite of that too!"

Leaping forward, I was able to lock my arms around him, causing him to bark out a laugh, "At least tell me what you're doing then!"

"If I did, you wouldn't let me come!" He tried prying my arms off of him, the two of us struggling as I stubbornly held on.

"Saying that doesn't make it any better!" I couldn't help but giggle, letting out a cry of surprise as he successfully pushed me off and grabbed me around my waist.

"I'm coming whether you like it or not!" He declared, swinging me up and holding me over his head as if I weighed nothing, and he resumed our walk towards the Tower's entrance. Oh wow, I forgot how strong he was.

I kicked my legs in the air lightly, pouting down at him, "Put me down! I also wanted to be taken seriously, y'know!"

"With that cute little face?" He teased, smirking up at me, and I tried thrashing a little more to no effect.

The door to the Tower opened, a couple of shinobi stepping out onto the stairs and freezing as they spotted us. We stared back at them for a moment, Kiba slowly setting me down and then crossing his arms over his chest. With a 'what are you looking at?' glare, the two shinobi quickly moved to walk away like they hadn't seen anything.

I smiled up at him, "See? They take us plenty seriously."

He cracked a smile, moving to walk into the Tower and accepting my hand as I slipped it into his. Oddly silent, he glanced down at me as we reached the Hokage's hall, "Thanks for trusting me. I know I've been a little... obsessive, and I'm not planning on following you around at work anymore after this, but I appreciate that you're letting me do this."

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