The Girls + Al

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I readjusted my dress with my free hand as Sakura had claimed my other arm, holding onto me like an enthusiastic child as Temari observed us with mild amusement. A girl's day out would be a nice break from the business, although this outing did have a practical purpose of course. I was in the second trimester now, and it was time to start getting serious for not only the wedding, but also for the arrival of the baby.

Not that baby shopping caused me any stress like the idea of a wedding did. Unlike weddings, I knew what a baby needed, and this was going to be a lot more fun and relaxing overall, just picking out baby clothes and toys.

"Wanna give the pregnant lady some space there?" Temari joked, Sakura only clinging closer to my arm with a pout. I frankly had almost forgotten she was there.

With a laugh I looked down at her, "It's really not a problem, besides, I consider it practice."

"Practice?" Sakura and Temari echoed in unison, although Temari was much more humored while Sakura offended.

"You're holding onto me like Hanabi does sometimes." I laughed, "And in some ways it's already like I'm walking around a toddler."

Sakura let go of my arm, marching around to my other side, "Temari, I'm walking with you!"

"I could carry you if you want." she offered, Sakura gasping excitedly and promptly jumping up, and Temari shot me a smirk, "Yeah, like a toddler."

She said it quietly enough that it was lost in Sakura's excitement, and all I had to do was cover up my laugh for it to go unnoticed by her. My hands naturally found themselves going back to my stomach, me trying to readjust my dress again now that I had both hands.

Temari eyed me curiously, "It's crazy to think that there's really a baby in there."

"Isn't it?" I smiled, you'd think after being pregnant for months that I'd be used to it, but as I tracked Alonso's development it only became more and more wild to me that he was real, a baby, inside of me, my son, and someday he was going to be out of me, crying and smiling, someday crawling and then running, talking... "It's even weirder for me now that he's starting to move."

"He's kicking now!" Sakura cheered, kicking her legs out herself.

Temari chuckled, "And look at that metal leg you're kicking now. Finally on our feet, are we?"

"Yep!" Sakura stuck her metal leg out, "Look at it! Isn't it beautiful! We worked so hard on it, and Kiba even put on the femur and shin plating correctly."

Temari glanced at me, "That fiance of yours is quite the charmer, hm?"

"Ugh, don't mind him." I scoffed, "Kiba's a possessive asshole sometimes."

"Gaara's not going to have a problem?" she followed.

I huffed out a laugh, "Gaara will be fine. He's inofensive, and Kiba knows how to behave for the most part."

"You seem kinda annoyed." she noted, Sakura's expression falling as mine did, "You both did actually."

"I am, and it's not over some harmless glares." I placed a hand on my hip, already feeling my annoyance spike at thinking about it, "The only reason he seemed he was in a bad mood was because I tried to confront him about something he didn't want to talk about, which is usually the basis for most of our arguments."

"Do you wanna talk about it?" she prompted, and I weighed my options before deciding it wouldn't hurt.

"He went to prepare for the wedding with his mom last week, and something happened." I began with a sigh, worry mixing into my perturbed mood, "He came home looking disturbed and he had some wounds on him, superficial they may have been, but the fact he came home with any injuries and wouldn't talk about it leads me to believe that either he or his mom did it."

Reborn as Sakura and Hinata: Lost in the Wind (Part 2)Where stories live. Discover now