The Bois + Gaara

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Keeping a careful hand on the puppy in my arms, I allowed the guard accompanying me to push open the doors to the Hokage's office. After all this time, Sakura was finally back, and I'd finally be able to hear her voice again, not just the message she had saved for me. It made me a little proud to think that Temari had actually found her out there, albeit Sakura already technically being found. But the idea that the Sand helped in even a little way was nice.

As the door opened, the sight of a cascade of pink in front of the Hokage's desk immediately drew my eye, or rather, the cascade of pink coming off of the Hokage's desk. Sakura was currently seated cross-legged dead center in the Hokage's workspace, one human knee and one metal one visible from around the curtain of hair.

My questions as to why she'd be on the desk disappeared as she swiveled around excitedly with a gasp, immediately throwing her arms out, "Gaara!"

I ran in, smiling at now being able to see her smile, her expressions just as bright as ever, "Sakura, I'm so happy we can finally see each other."

Walking up so she could hug me, she looked down to let out another enthusiastic gasp, "And Lipstick!"

I held up the puppy, her wiggling slightly in my hands at seeing her former owner, and Sakura quickly took her, squishing the pup to her face and receiving a solitary lick in response, "She did miss you."

"And I missed her!" she gushed, holding the puppy back so she could examine her, "She hasn't grown at all?"

I shook my head, "Isn't she supposed to be a small breed? Or is that one of her quirks?"

"I guess." Sakura pouted, "I just thought it'd be kinda cool if she grew, but she's still small."

The Hokage peeked from around her, "Like someone else we know?"

She scowled back at him, "Not you too!"

"I guess I did end up growing taller than you." I noted, even though she was sitting on the desk, I could tell she was shorter than me.

She frowned at me for a moment before ruffling my hair, "You did grow, didn't you."

"Yep." I had wondered for a while if I was going to be shorter than everyone... and I was still shorter than most, but it wasn't as if I ever cared much about height, and I was no longer the shortest so I wasn't going to complain. Apparently Sakura had qualms with being small though.

Lipstick squirmed in Sakura's hand again, redrawing our attention, and I pet her to calm her down, "I wonder if she will need to readjust for a while."

"Aw..." she sighed, "She might, I'm sorry Lipstick, what I didn't wasn't fair to you." It was humorous that she'd apologize to a dog that would never understand her, but then she looked back to me, eyes serious, "And I'm sorry to you too."

"You don't need to apologize," I dismissed, "I'm sure you've done plenty of it anyways."
She nodded, Kakashi peeking around her again, "As happy as I am with you two reuniting, shall we get out pleasantries out of the way so we may go about our days?"

"Yes, that would be best." I agreed, bowing, "Thank you, Lord Hokage, for hosting me in your village."

"And thank you, Lord Kazekage, for giving us this diplomatic visit," he folded his hands on his desk, a manner of an almost sarcastic recitation of lines about him, "I hope you will find your stay pleasant, and we will offer you anything you request."

"I accept your offer graciously with hopes that this ties our villages closer together." I finished, straightening back up, "Was that good?"

"That was wonderful." The Hokage smiled, gazing up at Sakura, "What do you think?"

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