An Unexpected Arrival

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Was it normal to feel this hungover when you've barely drank in a month? I was pretty sure it wasn't, but that didn't make the vague headache and horrific nausea leave me alone. I flipped over on the bed, shoving my face into my pillow and trying to ignore the inevitable, I cursed having taken a nap, not like I could realistically blame it for how I felt though.

With a sigh, I sat up, experimentally hoping that it would somehow dissipate the uncomfortable feeling. Nope. I jumped up and ran to the bathroom, falling to my knees and gagging. Good thing Kiba was busy making dinner because he'd probably be freaking out by now otherwise.

Once the nausea passed, I stood, leaning against the bathroom counter and glaring at myself as I reached for my toothbrush to clean my mouth out. What the hell was this? Sure, being in a poor state of health wasn't particularly abnormal for me, but the past couple of years had been remarkably better, so it was surprising to suddenly be thrown back into how I felt when I had the curse mark.

Of course, that was a bit of a dramatic way to put it. I was merely experiencing odd bouts of nausea, headaches, fatigue, and an oddly increased appetite.

Pausing, I put my toothbrush back and thought a little harder about it, tapping my nails on the counter; those symptoms in conjunction... sounded kind of familiar to me. In some ways they reminded me of how I felt around my period but... hold on, when was my last period?

A strange feeling suddenly gripped my chest, had it... had it been around a month? There was no reason for me to be late besides... My hand instinctively slid down to my stomach, no, no I was just being hopeful? Was hopeful the right word for how I was feeling?

A simple self-analysis would clear this all up, and I'd be able to go about my day and maybe take some aspirin and sleep more. The symptoms would go away, and I'd be fine. With a deep breath, I focused my chakra on lungs were fine, heart was fine, just beating a little fast, everything was fine, and it was probably just PMS for a delayed period or... was that a second chakra network developing?

I immediately stopped, sucking in a shaky breath and looking at myself in the mirror wide-eyed. That couldn't have been right... right? I did another analysis, and then another, but, no matter how I looked at myself there was no doubting that there was something abnormal there... a baby.

Do not cry, I wasn't sure yet, I could be wrong, oh who was I kidding, I was just lying to myself, I could see the beginnings of nervous system development. But I couldn't cry yet, Kiba didn't even have a clue. Oh god, Kiba. Should I tell him now? Why wait though? He'd probably need as much time as he could get to mentally prepare and... don't cry.

I pressed the heels of my palm into my eyes, trying to take a couple of breaths and keep my cool. I needed to tell him... now. Holy shit, I was going to have a baby!

Walking into the kitchen, I was partially relieved to see he hadn't actually begun cooking yet, wouldn't want any shock-caused cooking accidents to happen. He noticed me enter the room, doing a double take when he must've caught wind of my mood. I guess I didn't calm down enough.

"Hey, are you alright?" he set down the knife he was holding, wiping his hands off on a towel, "Did something happen?"

Was there a chance he could tell? Maybe it would help confirm it, "Do you... notice anything different about me?"

He frowned, bemused, "Are we really going to play one of those games right now? I thought something was wrong."

"Kiba, I'm serious." I stated, his eyes widening at my tone, "Is something about me different?"

"Uh..." he looked off nervously, trying to think, "You might be a little off, but I don't think anything's massively changed," he shrugged, "I dunno, you're cuddlier and moodier than normal."

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