Dinner Party Questions

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"Ah, getting the Hokage's treatment~"

I shot a smirk at Kiba, who was eyeing Kakashi with such a level of teasing that it seemed Kakashi might've been regretting his decision. He led us through the doorway into our private room with a sigh, turning back around with a smile, "Well, of course, we all must repay you for how you saved Konoha once again."

Hinata nudged me, "Living your spoiled little rich girl life?

Giving her a glare, I huffed, "Shut up." but my attitude quickly fell, "Seriously, though, I can't believe all of you might've died... Al... might've died..."

Said baby was strapped firmly to Hina's chest, and she gave him a calm smile, "But we didn't, did we?"

"Easy for you to say." Sasuke scoffed, closing out our group as Yui guided him to the table to join us, "You were the only one who didn't seem to get injured."

"Didn't I?" Hinata looked down at herself, "I'm sure I did somewhat, but I wasn't really paying attention." She dopped her arms with a frown, "It was pretty harrowing, though," She looked to Kiba, "Wasn't it?"

His face dropped into a hand with a scoff, "Are you kidding me? Two words: acid blood. It made even attacking them dangerous."

Kakashi and I shared a look. I couldn't help but feel awful, I mean, I knew it didn't make a lot of sense, but the Demon Lord Dark Goliath was my cat in some way. So, I couldn't help but feel a little responsible that the cat I brought into the village ended up causing so much trouble, never mind that I was completely unaware that anything was happening while they all were trying to prevent an underworld takeover.

Kiba's eyes shifted to me, "Yeah, and meanwhile you were getting fu-"

He cut off with a yelp as Hinata elbowed him hard in the side, and he glanced at her in betrayal before looking back to see that I was madly blushsing. Okay, so now I couldn't look at any of them! I wasn't, like- okay it was just really bad timing and everything! How could I blame myself for that!? I didn't foresee it or anything! Which in and of itself was kinda shocking.

Kakashi set a hand on my shoulder, "I will admit that it is disappointing that no one was aware as it happened." He smiled cordially, "But I am quite pleased to say those who were present were more than capable of handling the situation."

Kiba's eyes dropped, did that embarrass him? "Yeah, whatever."

Hinata let out a laugh, hugging his arm not much unlike Yui was to Sasuke. She had been hanging onto him with almost a protective air all night, and she pressed her face up against his shoulder with a scowl, "Nothing like that better happen ever again," Her eyes raised to his face, "Got it? I can't have you almost dying every time you leave my sight."

"I hope nothing like that ever happens again." Sasuke was beet red, laughing nervously, "I mean, it was kinda crazy..." His gaze snapped to me in concern, "That won't happen again, right?"
I blinked, "Honestly... I don't-'

"It won't." Kiba interrupted, glaring at the table with a sigh, "According to Goliath, Judith will make sure that things on his world's end are tied up, and since he has all his powers back he can make sure things stay tidy on ours. She's gonna spin the story where Isaiah tried to start shit with us on the surface world, making him fall out of grace while also encouraging their world to leave ours alone. As far as they know, Goliath is still missing or dead."

I blinked again, all of our collective attention on Kiba... I... hadn't realized the Demon Lord could talk to him as well. The Demon Lord never talked so extensively to me before either... what was that about? Did he make some sort of stronger connection with Kiba? Or did he just not talk to me that much? Originally it did seem entirely functional, like he'd try to explain hunting to me or something. I couldn't help but feel a little left out.

Reborn as Sakura and Hinata: Lost in the Wind (Part 2)Where stories live. Discover now