Al and The Demon Lord Dark Goliath

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"I'm going to kill him, Sakura!"

Maybe telling Neji about Hina being pregnant was a bad idea, but I knew it would pay off in the long run, and hopefully give him the push he needed to get us home quickly. Sure, it was a little manipulative, but, hey, I'd been living out in the woods for years now and kinda wanted to sleep in a bed for once.

"How!?" Neji spat, readjusting me on his back as his pace grew even angrier, "How could he have done that!? To her!? How could he be so irresponsible!? How could Hinata be so irresponsible!?"

I set my chin on his shoulder, glancing to the side to see his expression was as furious as he sounded, "Remember that they both are at fault."

"I know," he fumed, "But I'm not going to kill Hinata!" he shook his head, "But honest to God how could she take that risk? I didn't even know that was on the table for her!"

I smirked to myself; he really had no idea how horny she could be, did he.

"I had no idea she even wanted that, nevermind that she was!" he continued, "What, since I was no longer in the apartment did she just seize her chance?"

That's probably what happened to be honest. Considering both her and Kiba, they were most likely only comfortable with the idea if they knew they'd have privacy. That and Neji leaving would be the perfect thing to make Hinata do something kind of bold like that.

"And for him to take advantage of it in that way!" I was beginning to get worried that he'd have a heart attack or something at this point, "Did he even know what he was doing!? At their age?"

"Do you really think Hinata wouldn't educate him?" I quirked a brow, "And do you really think Kiba is that innocent?"

His grip on my legs grew tighter, and I had half the mind to smack him over the head and tell him to calm down if he was going to be mean to me like that, "That makes it even worse!" he retorted, "He knew the risk, and now Hinata's left with another massive responsibility-" he grit his teeth, "I'm going to kill him!"

"How's that gonna help anything?" I grumbled. He was being ridiculous now.

"It'll make me feel better." he replied hotly, tone full of sass, "He defiled Hinata, and probably selfishly too!"

"Hinata wanted it!" I argued, "He wouldn't have done anything to her if she wasn't okay with it!"

"Then maybe I should kill her too!" he growled, "I cannot just simply accept that while I was away she did one of the last things I'd ever expect from her!"

"You really don't think she'd want to be a mom?" I inquired.

He stayed silent for a moment, "Well no, I know she wants to be a mom, but when she's seventeen?"

"They're technically considered adults." I shrugged.

"But they aren't mentally!" He scoffed, "Kiba's certainly not ready."

I frowned, having had more than enough of his attitude and lightly kicking the side of his leg, "If you waste any more time complaining, we're going to miss their wedding, Al might even arrive before us."

"Don't tell me what to do!" man, he was in a mood, "I'm the one carrying you, I determine the pace!" Although I noticed his walk speed did increase some.

The Demon Lord Dark Goliath even shot him a look, padding besides us unbothered by Neji's incessant arguing and ranting. At least someone was calm.

Reborn as Sakura and Hinata: Lost in the Wind (Part 2)Where stories live. Discover now