High in the Hokage's Tower

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Walking up the stairs to the Hokage's office, I tried not to let my exasperation be too evident. I couldn't quite wrap my head around how it could be possible that there was nobody besides myself to deliver the hospital reports. We had people for that, and I wasn't one of those people.

Perhaps I was unfairly blaming that for my current mood though. I still hadn't been able to get any Jounin recommendations, even with Kiba asking for me, and, while I may have sort of understood their reasons, that didn't mean they weren't total bullshit. I wasn't a danger to myself or others anymore, and it wasn't even like I wanted to go on missions, I just needed that level of clearance to make my goddamn job easier so that I wouldn't have to do shit like deliver goddamn reports. I was teaching Jounin healing techniques for god's sake.

And now Neji was gone, and while that meant one less person to feed and clean up after it also meant one less set of hands to help out. That and... goddammit I just wanted him to be safe and happy, please let him be safe and happy.

At least I knew I had something to look forward to tonight, that thought always put a smile on my lips. I had to quickly wipe that off my face though, as I was about to enter the Hokage's office and couldn't be looking like a pervert.

I knocked, receiving no answer as usual, and then pushed open the door, "Lord Hokage, I have some documents from the hospital."

Kakashi was staring off out the window, head propped on a hand in a state of complete daze. His head turned ever so slightly to the door upon hearing me, him blinking as he realized that someone else was in the room with him, "Oh... you can set those on my desk."

"Alright." Suspicious... something was up with this, or rather him, but I wasn't quite sure what it was yet, "How's your day been?"

"Peaceful." he hummed, absentmindedly gazing at the corner where Obito used to stand, "He's not constantly nagging me anymore at least."

I gave a small laugh at that, holding the documents out to him, "Yeah, that must be nice."

He nodded, still staring at the corner as he reached out for the documents, missing them by about half a foot. His eyes snapped to the papers in confusion, and after a moment of him glaring at them I decided to just set them down on the desk.

Clasping his hands together on his desk, he smiled at me, "How've you been?" It was an obvious attempt to misdirect from what just happened, which was a display of a shocking lack of coordination for a Jounin.

I considered whether venting was a good decision here, but, to hell with it it wasn't like he was doing anything anyways, "I dunno, it's been a bit rough at work because I haven't been promoted yet."

"What?" he gasped, sitting back, "Why?"

"I don't know!" I threw my hands up in exasperation, pacing away from the desk, "Every time I've tried to get a recommendation they deny me!"

"That's weird." he frowned, propping his head in a hand once again.

"I know!" I might as well indulge in this while it was happening even though I had no idea why it was, "It's not like I have the mark anymore! I'm not going crazy attacking people."

He shook his head, "I haven't heard about anything like that."

I gestured to him in frustration, "Exactly, it's been a long time, and even then I don't even want to go on combat missions!" I ran my hands through my hair, "My job is treating me like a rookie when I'm literally teaching things they couldn't comprehend..."

"That's no fun." he nodded.

"It's not." I agreed, "And I don't know why they don't trust me, I've even gotten my mental health evaluation and passed it. I've literally never been more ready!"
"I agree." Kakashi sat back, "You're a Jounin then."

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