Never Have I Ever

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"You sure seem to be enjoying yourself," Choji noted, watching Shikamaru take a drink from his bottle passively, "I don't think I've ever seen you drink like this."

"Am I not allowed to indulge in something that, for once, isn't wildly dangerous?" Shikamaru shot him a look, setting his bottle down with a sigh, "Don't tell me you're judging me now, what a drag..."

Choji hummed with a glance down at his own bottle, "Of course not."

I was more willing to question his statement though, leaning on the table across from them and propping my face in my curious hands, "Whaddya mean 'wildly dangerous'? I don't remember us all doing a bunch of risky stuff."

He stared back at me incredulously, "Ice skating?"

Sasuke's unimpressed scoff came from the kitchen, and he leaned against the doorframe dripping with lightly buzzed confidence, "Please, that was nothing."

"I almost watched three of you die." Shikamaru stated bluntly, "You were one of them."

"Wasn't that bad," Naruto huffed, joining Sasuke in the doorway, but his confidence was somewhat tempered as he frowned, "Actually... no, that was kinda bad."

"You almost got sick." Hinata walked up behind where Kiba was sitting at the table, looping her arms around him from behind, "That certainly has to say for something."

He scowled from around his bottle, "Never going skating again."

It honestly made me feel pretty bad. I didn't really think about the possibility of anyone falling through the ice, for whatever reason, maybe it was part my naive hope that it would be a fun, untouched day, and part thinking that anyone reckless enough to do such a thing would be too scared to have the confidence. Guess I was wrong on both parts, but it was good to see that everyone was fine, although at the time I was more worried that Kiba would die of some rage and fear induced stroke or something rather than hypothermia.

"Like I said." Someone was sure feeling hyped up on liquid courage, "It was nothing. I'd go skating again." I kinda doubted it, though.

Choji now sighed, him and Shikamaru sharing a tired look, "I think the point he was trying to make is that most of us don't like the idea of watching people we've known since we were six dieing, whether they're too stupid to care or not."

"If you all aren't careful, you still might." Noriko strolled into the room, narrowing her eyes at the two cluelessly confident boys in the doorway, "Knowing how you all drink, it might just happen, and I guess I feel the need to warn you that I've almost died here a few times." He then turned his scrutiny to me, "You sure know how to set up a house."

"This house was meant for me to live in!" I stood up defensively, throwing my hands in the air, "I haven't had the time to remove all the seals yet!"

Kakashi glanced at me in surprise, "Is it really that dangerous?"

Naruto tilted his head with a gesture at Noriko, "I mean, I've been living here for a while, longer than you have."

"I've lived here too!" Sasuke added, waving a dismissive hand, "Her house isn't gonna just kill people, you just don't go into any room with a door."

Kiba pointed at him with a nod, "Yep. What he said."

Izumi frowned worriedly, "The bathroom too?"

"That one's fine." Kiba corrected, placing a hand on the arms wrapped around him, and he leaned back calmly, "You don't gotta worry about us, we've all been here before."

Reborn as Sakura and Hinata: Lost in the Wind (Part 2)Where stories live. Discover now