Someone get this Lad a Harem

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I mentally prepared myself for what was either going to be a boring as sin briefing for a terrible mission or a scolding while I climbed the stairs to the council. What the hell did they want from me that seriously needed the whole damn council to be present? Or did Kakashi just want more theatrics again?

Whatever the deal, I was probably not going to like it, but, even with those high expectations, I still managed to be surprised when I walked in to not see Kakashi looking not bored as he normally was, but angry.

"Yo..." I gently closed the door behind me and walked into the center of the room, "What's going on?"
"'Yo' is right, Sasuke," Kakashi began in a tone that was uncharacteristically sarcastic for him, "Wait until you get a load of the hot bullshit the council wants me to tell you."

I stood there stunned; yeah, Kakashi had been a sarcastic, vaguely angry guy for a while now, but this was on a whole other level. This was that scary type of sarcasm that Kiba sometimes used that had such an intense underlying rage that made it seem like words themselves had the potential to kill.

"Kakashi," Obito hissed from the corner of the room.

Kakashi turned around in his chair to face him, "No, Obito, you know that this proposal is absolutely one of the most moronic decisions this council has ever made, and there's been a lot of moronic decisions."

"Lord Hokage," one of the members sighed, "Please remain focused."

"You don't tell me what to do." Kakashi whipped around in his chair to the member, "If you're so proud of your shitty scheme, propose it yourself."

"What's... the proposal?" I asked nervously, knowing I'd probably regret it. Despite the fact that Kakashi's volume was it's usual, almost soft spoken level, each word contained a biting anger that was an odd contrast to hear.

"Ah, yes, Sasuke, I apologise." Kakashi eased himself back into his chair, folding his hands on his desk in the most mockingly normal way possible, "This congregation of perverted gutter rats has asked me to ask you, do you have a girlfriend?"

"Uh..." I didn't like this, "Yeah?"

"Would you like more of them?" he smiled, but it was in no way genuine and I swore he was about to explode with the amount of internalized fury he held.

"Girlfriends?" That couldn't be right.

"Yes." he nodded.

I blinked, trying to process what the hell that meant, "Wait... what!?"
"A harem!" Kakashi rephrased, "Multiple women for you to have your way with!"

My brain still wasn't fully processing that, "Why!?"

"Well, as you know, the Uchiha were Konoha's most powerful clan." he began, his matter of fact tone almost comical compared to his previous outbursts, "These backwards cave dwellers who are a very offense to the moniker 'intelligent being' believe that we need to reinstate the Uchiha clan as quickly as possible for 'safety' reasons."

"But we're in a time of peace," I looked cluelessly about the room, it suddenly dawning on me the implications of that proposal, "It's completely unnecessary, and the Uchiha aren't some sort of ploy for you to gain power! We aren't weapons!"

"We understand that this proposal might come off offensive." Another member attempted to placate even though it was not going to work, "And, Lord Hokage, I thought we agreed that you wouldn't try and sway his opinion."

"I didn't agree to shit!" Kakashi spat, "And I can do whatever the hell I want, I'm the Hokage!"

"Yeah, and there's no fucking way I'd do that!" I affirmed, "That's weird and creepy as hell!"

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