The Miracle of Life

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I usually didn't wake up feeling this excited, but if what happened last night was indeed not some weird semi-lucid dream, then Hina had dyed her hair and I was hyped to see it in it's full daylight glory. And I knew she was up too since she wasn't in bed, probably getting ready in the bathroom, but, first things first, I had to make breakfast.

The smell of already cooked food, though, hit me just as I descended the stairs and rounded into the kitchen, then followed up by the view of my gorgeous wife already up and scrubbing the counters.

Pausing, I stood there for a moment, a little too unnerved to properly appreciate the new blue-purple color of the underlayers of her hair. She soon noticed me, doing a double take and letting out a surprised laugh, "Oh! You startled me, amor, but I suppose I'm not usually the first up. Breakfast is almost ready, by the way." Akamaru walked around her, bumping his head against her leg, and then looked to me, tail softly wagging.

No, something wasn't right, "Are you feeling okay?" Even the cat was in here, watching from the top of a shelf, as attentive as he could ever look.

Something strange shifted through her expression, "U-Uh, yeah, I'm fine."

"No, I don't think you are." I walked into the kitchen and up to the counter, "Why are you cleaning?"

Once again, she quirked an odd expression, slightly smiling, "I wanted to. Me cleaning can't be that weird to you."

"But today isn't cleaning day," I argued, "You haven't broken your schedule in months."

"I just needed a distraction," She leaned against the counter, trying to look nonchalant although there was something stiff to both her face and posture, and Akamaru brushed against her again although she made an attempt at shooing him away, "Alright? Nothing to be worried about."

Well saying that didn't help any... she smelled off too, and, jerking forward to support her as she abruptly leaned against the counter with a held back sound of pain, I finally put it together, "H-Hina?"

"Don't freak out." She almost begged, "It's okay, it's just the early stages, it's fi-"
"Oh shit..." I whispered out as my heart dropped, and I promptly moved to scoop her up, Hina crying out in protest.

"Don't freak out!" She more demanded this time, "Put me down! I'm- fuck!"

Her head craned back as she grit her teeth, and I had to quickly shift my hold to keep her in my arms. Shit. Fuck. It was actually happening!? Now!? Just like that!? "O-Okay, okay, yeah, it's fine. Uh..." Looking around for... who the fuck knows what I was trying to look for, I remembered that hospitals were the type of place that this stuff was supposed to happen in, so I guess going there was what I was supposed to do.

"We don't need to leave," Hina attempted to reason, "We have time we don't- dammit-" She curled up this time, grabbing onto my shoulder with a death grip as she tried to breathe, "J-just calm down. You can at least- eat first."

I shook my head, no way I was just going to sit there and eat when she was making noises like that. I'm not sure if I've ever heard her so out of breath. What was she thinking anyways!? Was she just going to wait until he was coming out of her to go to a hospital? Because I wasn't willing to take that risk.

Right as I was running past the stairs, Sakura exited the bedroom, freezing in place and staring down at us, "Um... what's happening?"

Hina's next sound of pain made me completely forget whatever explanation I was forming, and I shifted her in my arms, "Hospital."

"W-wait- What!?" Sakura blurted, eyes widening as she ran down the stairs after me, "Wait- Is it happening!?"

Hina looked back at her over my shoulder as I struggled to get the door open, "Turn off- the oven please. I-" She sucked in a deep breath as I opened the door, grabbing the doorframe, "C-can we at least take a moment to grab some things? There's no need for this-" She grit her teeth through another wave of pain and punched my shoulder, immediately rubbing it apologetically, "Shit- sorry."

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