Hangover Rituals

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How had I taken breathing for granted? How had I never stopped for a moment to just appreciate fresh air? Fresh air was great! It was light, cool, refreshing, breathable, invigorating, had I said how much I like breathing?

It was like stepping into a completely different world, and the world was suddenly bright, sunny, and I didn't feel like I was going to die anymore! The air was just so heavy in there, warm and sweet and felt like it was trying to crawl into every inch of my lungs, nauseatingly reaching down my throat to try and seep its way into my bones and weigh me down.

And the hangover didn't help in the slightest. The pulsating, radiating pain behind my eyes went away at least a little bit when I showered, although it did nothing about how nauseous I felt, but that all was thrown out the window as soon as I went downstairs and was completely overwhelmed.

Then there was the amount of sweets I had eaten. Just thinking about it made me gag again, how had I not thrown up already? It wasn't like I wanted to, but even now I still felt awful. I thought carbs were supposed to help with hangovers! But I guess eating a bakery's worth of them wasn't exactly the same thing.

Why the hell did Kiba and Hinata willingly go in there? I didn't blame Kiba in the slightest for losing it; I didn't want to think about how that smelled or felt for him, I didn't even want to consider how he was doing now.

Did he have a hangover too? He didn't look like he did, but, then again, he was one of those annoying people like Sasuke who tried to hide they were hurt, but unlike Sasuke he was actually good at it. I didn't like the idea that he didn't have a hangover despite how much he apparently drank while I ended up like this, though, but I guess it didn't matter now.

And then what about Sakura? Why did she do all that? Why was she so sad? Why was Hinata so worried? I hated not knowing anything, I hated not being able to figure out anything, and I hated being uselessly worried about stuff I couldn't fix.

Another bolt of pain shot through my head, and I stumbled a bit. Jeez this sucked, this all just sucked! We were all supposed to be happy! We were at peace, and Hinata and Kiba were married! We were all just supposed to be relaxing at home and taking care of hangovers right? So what had happened?

I noted that there was a convenience store next to me, and, given that Hinata's advice should generally be listened to, I thought it might be good to go in and try and get something, at the very least water.

The store also smelled remarkably fresh, but anything would have compared to that house. It was brightly lit, clean, and organized, not covered in baking trays. I paused a moment just to take it in and try and calm down, but nothing was going to make the headache go away. I walked into the medicine aisle, quickly realizing that I had no idea what I was looking for. Every time I'd been sick I'd just kinda sleep it off and be fine the next day.

Maybe I'd bailed a little too soon, I could have at least asked Hinata what she'd recommend, but I also think I would've passed out if I stayed in there any longer. But, all of the pill bottles had these ridiculous names that I wasn't even going to consider thinking about because thinking about normal words hurt enough already at the moment.

I sighed to myself, yep, this sucked. I guess water would have to be my go to for the moment, or maybe ginger ale, or maybe both. And then what about food? The idea of eating made my stomach cringe, but I probably should have something that didn't involve sugar. Let's just start with step one and get something to drink.

Wandering over to the 'cold zone', I blinked at the increase in the harsh lighting. What were those types of lights called again? My brain hurt too much right now to think about it. I pressed my forehead against one of the doors, ah, yes, cool feeling nice on brain. Relishing in the feeling for perhaps a little too long, I realized I was about to fall asleep and quickly jerked back to actually open the damn thing and get the stupid water.

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