The Ceilings

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Maybe it was just my mind trying to find something to worry about after such a long time of having to worry about things... but was Hiashi going to care if there was a bit of dust on the counter?

Honestly, he probably wouldn't. He probably didn't care what state the house was in period as long as he got to see his daughter, but, nonetheless, I was going to clean the counters. Lady Mei might at least appreciate the effort, and I'd be lying if there wasn't a prideful part of me that wanted everything to be perfect in some attempt to show them that I had everything under control. I didn't want the house to look like Hina and I hadn't been taking care of it for over a week, and maybe it was partly to convince myself everything was 'normal' again.

But, was there anything I was missing? The floors had been swept, dishes done, all surfaces cleaned, did the table need a tablecloth? Did Hyugas use those? Did it matter?

Although it probably didn't, I still made my way up the stairs to see if we even had a tablecloth to begin with. Hina would be the person to ask probably, and she was folding laundry in the bedroom last I heard. I entered said room to see that it was empty, which was surprising since her smell in here was at its strongest, so where was she?

My answer came with a sheet of dark blue hair falling down in front of my face, those stark, contrasting eyes meeting mine with a brilliant smile as Hinata's face hung down from... the ceiling. I stared at her for a moment, glancing up to see that she was, indeed, kneeling on the ceiling of the bedroom, "Hina, what the hell are you doing?"

"What does it look like?" she seemed to be pleased with herself as she looked down, or at least down for her at the ceiling, "I'm cleaning."

"Wh- the ceilings!?" my eyes shifted between her face and where she was seated, astounded by the amount of chakra control on display at the moment but also, "What if you fall!? Get down! The ceilings don't ne-"

"They do need to be cleaned though!" she pouted, crossing her arms over her chest, "And I won't fall."

"But if you fall, it's going to be really bad, this isn't safe." I stood my ground, if she wasn't pregnant maybe I'd be more open to the idea, but as she was I wasn't going to let her be this careless! "You still haven't recovered fully, you-"

All of my complaints were broken off, though, as Hinata grabbed my face, kneeling a little further down and kissing me. It took me a solid moment to not only process what was happening but also how weird it felt, and she pulled back with another self-satisfied grin, "Never thought I'd ever do a Spiderman kiss in my life."

"A... A what?" I mumbled, for a moment captivated by her and completely forgetting what I had been so concerned about, "Is that a-?"
"It's a 'my world' thing." she finished.

I lifted my hands to hers, removing them from my face, "That felt weird."

"Shut you up though," she smirked, leaning in and kissing me again before pulling back, "But you're right, it is awkward to do." her smile became mischievous, "Maybe you should join me up here then?"

"Hina." I broke myself from my little trance with a sigh, "You shouldn't be up there."

"You're right," she sighed back, "You're in no state right now for that kind of chakra control." her gaze became a bit more worried as she held one of my hands to her face, "You're shaking a little."

I frowned at the well intentioned diss, but decided getting her down was probably the main concern at the moment, "Why do you think the ceilings need to be cleaned?"

"Because they do." she replied, "Dust collects up here too, y'know, and this way I can get to the tops of all the higher surfaces. You'd be shocked how much dust collects on top of cabinets."

Reborn as Sakura and Hinata: Lost in the Wind (Part 2)Where stories live. Discover now