Never Again

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"No, Hina, you can't be serious," My objections didn't stop me from taking Al in my arms as he was passed to me, and I looked between him and Hina wide-eyed, "Y-you can't just leave."

"It's just a couple of hours." She stated, tone stilted as she grinned at me in a look that made it clear she wasn't any happier with this, "I'm just talking to your mom, everything's fine, right?"

Why the hell was she doing this now!? "Day. Two." I stated as firmly as I could, "And you want me to be alone with him?"

She flinched with a nervous laugh, "I'm literally not leaving the territory, you could just walk down to your house if anything goes wrong! And it's not like anything is going to go wrong anyways." Holy shit, I don't think I'd ever heard her sound so not confident in a statement.

"Why today? Why now?" I insisted. This was fucking ridiculous, and I wasn't going to let her get away with it if she was just as uncomfortable with the idea.

"It's important for you two to bond as well, you know," She argued, trying to seem aloof although her hand still lingered on Al's back, "I can't always be the one to hold and soothe him, I'm not going to be able to do that all of the time."
She seriously couldn't already by trying to prepare herself for when she had to go back to work, "But you can do that now, and he's just too little. He needs his mom to be able to take care of him, I can't do that!"

"You can," She insisted, "I've just fed him, and, who knows, if this goes quickly enough you might not even have to worry about that, but there's bottles in the fridge for you to warm, there's a bassinet to put him in, you're smart, and you're his dad, you're going to be fine!" Pitch ever climbing with her anxiety, her hand tightened on Alonso's back slightly.

I shook my head, "You should be resting right now. We didn't sleep last night, you remember that, right?"

She attempted to brush it off with another laugh, "I'm used to not sleeping! If anything you could take this as an opportunity to rest. I'll be fine."

"Hina-" I couldn't let her do this, she wasn't okay with this.

But we both flinched as my mom walked up behind her, "What's the hold up? You wanted to do this, correct?"

"Uh-huh!" She nodded, fake-ass smile still on her face, and she gave me one last look as Mom rolled her eyes and took her wrist, "Just a couple of hours!"

The door shut in my face, and I stood there for a moment, staring at it in disbelief... she'd... really just left me alone with him. Al cooed, and for a horrifying moment I thought he was going to immediately start crying, but instead he simply let out a small shout, and frowned. Bouncing slightly, I sighed, "I know buddy, this sucks, Mom just abandoned us."

He shouted again, so, making sure my arm was securely under him, I offered him my other hand to hold. She actually just left, that wasn't normal right? We were both exhausted, and all the advice we'd received was 'rest as much as possible'. I couldn't imagine hanging around my Mom would be anything close to 'restful', but that wasn't even what was bothering me so much at this point.

Why the hell was she being so weird? She didn't need to be separated from him right now, if I remembered right, she didn't need to go to work in a month, so why was she rushing it? What was she so scared of? And why would she force herself to do it when she clearly could feel it wasn't right!?

I guess I'd have to talk to her about that when she got back, but the whole problem was waiting till she got back. Alonso was a newborn! He needed his mom, I wasn't his mom! What the hell was I supposed to do when he starts crying? What if feeding or changing or whatevering doesn't work? I knew I just couldn't handle it! And what if something happened? I couldn't live with myself if I was responsible for something hurting him, or worse, I- I wouldn't be able to...

Reborn as Sakura and Hinata: Lost in the Wind (Part 2)Where stories live. Discover now