High Expectations

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Yes, these living arrangements were truly bothersome.

We couldn't go one day in this more spacious house without some sort of excessive noise occurring, and it simply didn't make sense to me. If there was so much room for everybody to have their space, why did they insist on congregating at least once daily in the same room and making as much noise as humanly possible? Actually, I'm going to amend that statement because I do not wish to consider how much noise they could all intentionally make if they truly set their minds to it.

Regardless, it seemed that this was going to be the first and hopefully only 'house meeting' of the day, although hoping seemed to me quite foolish at this point, and I surveyed from my couch perch as Dog and Demoness for whatever reason lingered by the door as Nest and Hawk stood before them in wait.

"You two really shouldn't need to cook anything." Demoness explained with a smile directed mostly at Nest, "There is more than enough food in the fridge that just needs a little heating."

Dog nodded, wrapping an arm around his Demoness, "Yeah, please don't burn anything."

"Dude, we're not stupid." Hawk scoffed with all the sass and confidence befitting his age, "I don't get why you're so scared about your mom's reaction to the house getting damaged anyways, it's your house."

"Maybe I don't want it damaged either, genius. It's my house." Dog delivered with a flat expression and tone befitting of one who didn't appreciate much sass and confidence, "Don't touch anything in the kitchen if you really don't have to."

Hawk looked as if he had a retort readied, but Nest jumped in front of him to take Dog's hand earnestly, "You got it! Everything will be just the same as you left." She then moved to Demoness, running a fond hand over her pregnant stomach, "And say 'hi' to Al for me!"

"You could just say 'hi' to him now." The Demoness quirked an amused brow, "It's just an ultrasound, it's not like he's going to know the difference."

"He won't?" Nest's genuine confusion was met with humor from the young couple. Frankly, I had no idea what an 'ultrasound' was, but if I had to guess Nest didn't either and that was the source of their humor. They often seemed to be amused by my Nest's lack of general knowledge, and I suppose in a way her blatant incompetence at times was 'funny'.

With a light laugh, Demoness placed her hand over Nest's and removed it, "We'll be back in a bit, okay?"

"I dunno." Dog shrugged, tightening his arm around her, "Did you want to go to lunch after or something?"

The Demoness let out an uncharacteristic gasp, turning to him with an almost childlike excitement I found wholly bewildering to see on her, "Really!?"

"Yeah, why not." He smiled back.

Her gaze then became much more fittingly teasing, "Are you sure you want to leave the house unattended for so long?"
With another aloof shrug, Dog shot their two companions a smirk, "They're not stupid, right?"

"Absolutely not!" Nest chirped, "Go to lunch!"

Demoness chuckled, pushing open the door with a loving glance at Dog, "Sounds like a date then."

"Sweet." Dog replied somewhere between earnest and sarcastic, following her out the door before pausing and giving Hawk a hand signal which I had come to know meant 'I'm watching you' perhaps in some sort of warning that the house better remain well maintained.

With some disappointment, I watched as Akamaru jumped up to follow the two out, slipping through the doorway before it was sealed shut, dooming me to my task. It would seem I was babysitting alone today.

Reborn as Sakura and Hinata: Lost in the Wind (Part 2)Where stories live. Discover now