A Treasure in the Woods

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I was never one to embrace nature despite the fact that it constantly surrounded me. Missions were carried out how they were supposed to be, focused, as was training, never paying any mind to the world around me, whether it be buildings or trees. Even in my free time I never cared to spend much of it outside.

Izumi had been an eye opener for me, his clan being closely tied to nature and their jutsus reflecting that. His 'stop and smell the roses' mentality was odd to me at first if not a little annoying, but it was moments like right now where I could truly appreciate how taking in one's surroundings could be a fulfillingly calm experience.

My travels had gifted me the opportunity to observe a variety of landscapes from coastal shores and mountains to wide grassy plains and dense forests, much like the one I was in now. Towering pines stabbed the sky, sparse foliage creating just enough cover for small woodland creatures without making the terrain impassable. I preferred the forests, not just because they were reminiscent of home but because they reminded me of Izumi.

I sometimes regretted leaving him behind, but he wasn't one to enjoy long times on the road not surrounded by people. That, and I'd have relied on him too much. Despite the regret, I couldn't have said that I'd change my choice, as I don't think I had ever felt more at peace with myself than I did now.

At last, I had shown myself I could be self sufficient, that I could make my way on my own and function within the world. It wasn't easy, especially not in the beginning months where I desperately craved guidance with where to go and what to do, only having myself to rely on to forge my path.

Now it was a lot simpler, I could just do what I wanted. It was a short learning curve to learn that doing what I felt like doing would not lead to dire consequences in every case, although I certainly got myself into a bit of trouble a few times to be sure.

But I had also learned that offering help to people was as rewarding as Hinata made it seem, and passing through towns, helping where I could, made me realize how nice it could be to support someone, although it was odd when one woman told me I looked similar to an 'Angel of Konoha'. I could only hope that she was referring to Hinata in some way because otherwise I had no guesses.

Even though I had grown, I was hesitant to return back home, and, even though I was missing my loved ones more with every passing day, I wanted to make sure I was better for them. I wanted to learn to be a supporter because it was what they deserved; I didn't want to follow anymore, I wanted to guide.

Hearing the hearsay of what was going on in the Leaf, though, did not make that decision easily. News of the Hokage's outbursts, drunk spells, and odd decision making made me worry, and I knew that Hinata would be wrapped up in it all somehow because of course she would be.

Then there was news of the prosthetics being passed amongst the major villages, which made me wish I could be back there to help because God only knew Kiba needed it.

Father must have still been away, leaving poor Hinata to shoulder another burden while Hanabi had to sit by and watch and wait until she was old enough for people to take her seriously since we all knew she was more capable than any other Hyuga besides Hinata.

And then mi amorcito, I could only hope he was doing well...

My lovelorn thoughts were interrupted by a rustling in the bushes beside me, and I snapped to attention, my shinobi instincts still sharp despite lack of use. Kunai ready, I turned to the bush to spot... an excessively fluffy orange cat walk from it.

This cat didn't seem to have a single care in the world, padding onto the dirt path with a deadpan expression and perhaps even a hint of bad attitude, but that did beg the question: why was there a cat out here in the first place?

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