The Hamasaki Clan Pt. 2

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It was 6 a.m., and she wasn't in bed.

I wasn't particularly worried about that, there were plenty of reasons that people get up in the middle of the night, but it made me curious. Having laid there for a few minutes, she still hadn't come back yet, and things sounded quiet, too quiet. So, as I descended the stairs, stretching my arms above my head and hoping that there would be a simple answer to this little 'dilemma' so I could go back to bed, I tried to keep myself alert.

The only sounds in the house were at the front door, my concern mounting as I reached the bottom of the stairs and tried to rub the sleep from my eyes, "What are you doing?" Hinata whipped around with a small noise of surprise, and I paused. She was... dressed... with bags in front of her? "Are we going somewhere? You should've told me earlier, I could've helped you pack."

She met my slight smile with a nervous one of her own, slowly walking up to me, "Actually, um... I'm the only one going."

I blinked, tired mind not quite understanding, "Huh?"

With a sigh, she held the side of my face in a hand, gently rubbing, "I'm going somewhere, and you are staying here."

I was a bit too busy leaning into her touch to pay attention, but as soon as I processed her words I stood up straight, removing her hand, "Wait, why? Where are you going!? Why didn't you tell me about this? What about Al?"
"You get to stay here and watch him." She answered evenly, "Just like when I go to work." With a more guilty sigh, she shifted, "I'm sorry I didn't tell you earlier, this was kind of a recent decision." Taking a paper out of her pocket, she held it out to me, "And Hokage mandated."

I took the paper, but my eyes hadn't quite woken up enough yet for me to read it, and it wasn't like I really cared what it said anyway, "I- What is Kakashi-"

"He wants you to help Naruto run the village while we're gone!" She chirped with a smile, "Isn't that cool?"

"Are you both trying to bribe me?" I asked in disbelief, "I- He couldn't even come here himself and-"

Hinata grabbed my hands, holding them together, "Look, I have to get going okay? I was going to wake you up and tell you, so I'm sorry this has come as a surprise, but it's going to be okay. We just have some business to take care of with Takumi.

"Oh..." I dropped my hands out of hers, "Why didn't you just say that? Do whatever diplomatic shit you need to do, just don't flirt with him too much."

Now she seemed a bit stunned, frowning, "Do you really dislike him that much?"

"He's just unbearably annoying." I answered shortly, hearing Alonso begin to stir upstairs, and I huffed out a breath, "How long do you think you'll be?"

"Definitely less than a week." Hand at her chin, I could see her doing the mental calculations, "Our business is quick. We'll go there, do what we need to, maybe spend the night, and then come right back... between four and six days."

I groaned lightly, "I guess I'll survive that."

Her hand returned to the side of my face, and she leaned in to give me a quick kiss, "You're so dramatic."

"And you're mean." I pouted, "Springing this on me."

"I said I was sorry!" She mock retorted, picking up her bag and moving to the door.

I held it open for her, "Well, sometimes sorry doesn't cut it."

She gave me a huff as she walked out the door, "Te amo."

I smirked at the forced angry tone, "Te amo." I punctuated it by slamming the door, hearing her laugh on the other side as she walked away. Leaning back for a moment, the fog began to slowly lift from my thoughts and...

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