A Surprisingly Violent Party

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I stretched my arms out over my head as I accepted the fact that I was now conscious and it probably should stay that way, unfurling my legs from their curled up position under the covers. With a contented sigh, I registered thet, by the amount of light in the room, I hadn't overslept, which was nice to know since I actually felt fairly well rested despite the fact I preferred waking up in Kiba's arms. He wasn't next to me, meaning he was probably making breakfast.

The sound of an almost silent laugh made me open my eyes to see that Karin was sitting next to me, "You stretch like a cat, you know that?"

I hummed, rolling over to face her, and she ran a hand through my hair, "Cat's know how to do it best. Stretching like that is awesome."

"I don't doubt it." she smiled. She looked like she hadn't gotten up that much earlier herself, and I debated whether snuggling up with her for maybe another ten minutes of sleep would be a bad decision or not. I set my head on her thigh, her continuing to run her hand through my hair with a chuckle, "One of those mornings?"

I shrugged, "I'm rested, I guess I'm just a little too relaxed."

She hummed in agreement, "Your apartment is really peaceful."

"Now that the hellcat isn't in it, yeah." I smirked.

"Am I actually going to learn what that is, or is it just going to be a little joke between you and Kiba?" she inquired.

"It ain't a joke, hun." I scoffed, "But it'd be too annoying to explain."

"Fair enough." she sighed, eyes shifting down to my stomach, "I can't believe it all. You're getting married now in just a few days, and you're having a baby."

"Beat you to it." I smiled.

"Whatever," she huffed, "I don't have the time to throw around, I'm a Kage after all."

"Of course, of course," I replied sarcastically, shifting as I felt Alonso move, "Dammit, chico, it's too early for that." I reached over to grab Karin's hand, pressing it to the spot where he was kicking in hopes that she'd have even a fraction of the same effect as Kiba.

"Oh, wow," she murmured, "He's a mover."

"You better believe it." I grumbled, "Hopefully the birth will be quick since he seems to want out so bad."

Karin laughed, keeping her hand in place as she smiled down at me, "So, what are the plans today?"

"There's a party at Ino's apartment that Kiba and I are going to. A kind of 'before wedding' little thing. Wanna come?" Since the wedding was only in a few days, Karin, Suigetsu, and Jugo had come down a bit early so that they could get situated and help out where they could.

Karin looked to the doorway, "How's a party sound, Jugo?"

Jugo peeked around the doorframe, and I almost laughed at how shy and nervous he looked, "A lot of people will be there?"

"Okay, first of all," I pushed myself up, "Come in here and stop lurking."

He flushed a bit, "I just didn't want to intrude." He walked in anyways, sitting on the edge of the bed where I crawled over and hugged him around his shoulders.

"Look, you have nothing to be scared of, okay?" I soothed, "No one's going to judge you, or hate you, or think you're weird. They aren't really the group to make fun of people and give them a hard time for no reason, and, even if they were, they wouldn't give you a hard time."

"You sure?" he mumbled, "I just... I dunno, you're friends here are all really nice, and I guess I'm just worried about making a good impression."

"Jugo, you always make a good impression." I smiled, "Even Kiba likes you now."

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